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Info_Operator: I see you're starting to hang out with the Ruto girl. What's with that?

⇢Ayano⇠: she saved me from ending my life and I'm thankful. she's actually really sweet. is there something wrong about that?

Info_Operator: Not entirely. But I see the way you look at her. Is there something you're hiding?

⇢Ayano⇠: No.

Info_Operator: Are you sure?

⇢Ayano⇠: yes I'm sure. if I liked her why would I be around her?

Info_Operator: Maybe you're starting to change, Ayano.

⇢Ayano⇠: really? you think I like her? I'd know it if I did.

Info_Operator: That's the thing. You do.

⇢Ayano⇠: No I don't

Info_Operator: Yes, you do.

⇢Ayano⇠: Shut up info

Info_operator: Fine. But if you do need help with her, you know how to reach me. Goodbye <3

⇢Ayano⇠: bye

- Last Seen 7:59 am -

once upon a dream (Oka x Ayano)Where stories live. Discover now