Why am I here?

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Update only because a 6th grader annoyed the shit out of me. 


Ok now Gerard has no reason to be here. That's what you're thinking. That's what I'm thinking. That's what Gee is thinking. So why the fuck is Gerard walking his stubby legs up into this building again?

No one knows. Not even Gerard.

He awkwardly walks down the hallway. The same hallway he walked down earlier that week.

There she was. Sitting down on the first level of bleachers. Well not sitting. She was actually in the floor??? Gerard didn't know how to explain it. Except that her right foot was on the bleachers and her left foot was on the ground. And she was basically doing the splits. Just sideways? No... diagonal? As stated before, Gerard did not know how to explain it.

'Shit abort!' Gee thought. He turned around and exited through the gymnasium doors. 'This was a stupid idea!!!'

He was almost to the parking lot when he felt someone touch his back. A quick turn around and he was met face to face with the girl. Lady? Woman.

"So you're being a creep during my rehearsal?" she asks. Well it wasn't really a question... it was more of a statement.


"I- what? No. I'm just..." Gerard didn't have the words. THE WORDS WHERE GONE!!! Someone call for help.

"What?" she raised an eyebrow. A fucking sexy one at that. Fuck Fuck Fuck. "Speak up."

Gerard seriously didn't have words. But thanks to any and all gods for listening to his panic prayers because Frank Iero walked up. He was all sweaty from practice but super happy to see his friend.

"Hey Gee" he greets slapping the others back as he walked up.

"Hi..." Gee replies a bit awkwardly. He wasn't his usual self at the moment if you couldn't tell. Maybe because this hot ass girl was standing in front of him, demanding an answer from him. And Gee just couldn't think straight.

Frank noticed his friends odd reply but didn't say anything.

"Are you gonna answer me?" the female demands. Her eyebrow now at its highest arch.

"Uh..." Gee drawed out not sure what to say. He looked to his friend who only looked back at him with questioning eyes because I mean... whos the chick asking, sorry, demanding answers from his best friend?

Frank took this moment to save his friend.

"Hi" he says towards the female. "I'm Frank, Gerard's friend." He extends his hand for a handshake.

The female only gives Frank a quick look over before moving her attention back to Gerard.

Attempt failed.

"Gerard." she says.

Holy shit.

Holy shit! She just said my name. And it was so sexy!

"My name is Lindsey. And I want an answer. Why are you creeping in on my rehearsals?" Lindsey says. And if Gee could fucking melt into the ground like the wicked witch of the fucking west then he would. Trust me, he would. But sadly he's not a witch and he can't just make her fucking love him... or forget about him. Or... somehow make this situation any better than it is right now.

"Answer me, now"

Frank rose an eyebrow from where he stud. He looked from Lindsey to Gerard. And then back to Lindsey. What in the fuck was happening? What is he being a witness to? What the fuck has Gerard drugged himself into this time? These are all good questions for Frank, because even the author doesn't know.

Gerard made odd noise. It came from his throat. Like a squeak...but not. More like a choke. But like as if he was about to squeak and talk at the same time and then decided not to do any of the above and then just ended up dying in his mouth. Did that make any sense?

Probably not. But at this point is made Frank even more confused as to what the hell was happening and it only managed to make something in Lindsey's eyes glow. Glow with what you ask? Shit I don't know.

"No." Gerard says very lowly. And quickly. And if the other two weren't listing so carefully for a reply from Gerard they would have missed it. Shit I bet you missed because you're reading too fast.

And then he as quickly as he decided to say no to the woman in front of him, he grabbed Frank's arm that was wet from sweat and dirt and ya know... basketball activity stuff and dragged the male out of there.

And they left. With many questions left in all participants heads. Like "Why is he so weird?" and "Holy shit! What the fuck did I just do?" and of course "Wait...what just happened?"


777 words

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