Getting mobbed ~ Noah

Start from the beginning

"It's ok. I didn't like her either. She looks really plastic."

"And vain," Flynn adds using his hand to cover his mouth as if she is the only person to hear him.

"I knew she was one of those girls!" The girl sighs covering a hand over her mouth too. "So what about you Flynn? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nah. Too busy. I would hate to be away from her for such long periods of time." The girl sighs smiling at Flynn as I roll my eyes at his line, the same one he uses any time s girl asks why he's single. The first time it was pretty smooth but now it's so cringe.

"Hate to leave but we have to get to our hotel. It was amazing talking to you." I say as both Flynn and I stand.

"Hope to see you again." Flynn winks at her as she smiles flirtily.

"Ok." We leave Starbucks and start walking to our hotel. We walk for a while with the buildings blocking the wind. We only stop when Flynn says something.

"Do you think you could ever see yourself settling down?"

"Not like soon, but in a couple of years, and when I find the right girl yeah."

"I think I would like to live in a place like this." He looks around. "It's not too big and the people here are cool, not crazy."

"I think I would settle back home," I tell him.

"Is that so?" He smirks at me.

"Yeah, close to both mom and dad, that's where all this started and that's where I want all this to finish," I state. I have thought about this before. I like traveling and touring but one day it's going to stop. I mean yeah I will still hang out with the band but I want kids and a wife. I don't know if I could ever find the right girl. "What type of girl do you want?" I ask Flynn. We used to ask each other this question lots before we got famous but now I know my answer has changed.

"I'm thinking blond, with green eyes, rocking body."

"Not appearance-wise." He laughs, but then his face gets serious.

"I honestly don't think I know anymore. I mean we could have any girl in the world." He trails off.

"I think I know. She has a sweetheart, but she knows how to put me in my place. I wouldn't mind dating a fan but that can't be the only reason that she likes me. I mean if someone was to only like me because of our life and my appearance, I don't even know what I would do."

"Man, It makes me wonder. We weren't even popular in high school." Flynn states.

"I know and now I'm dating the Winnie Baxter," I state. He rolls his eyes as we start walking.

"She's such a bitch."

"You're telling me." 

"This is getting too serious for me," Flynn says as he picks up some snow and throws a snowball at me. I laugh as I throw one back. It's been so long since I have had fun like this and I can't believe it. It feels nice to laugh and be away and have things like they used to be. We stop and laugh. It's getting colder outside so we keep walking. As we turn my phone goes off.



"Hey Nate," I say as my little brother huffs into the phone.

"When are you getting here your girlfriend is annoying me?"

"Winnie's at our house?" Flynn looks over at me in pity.

"Yes, she arrived yesterday saying you invited her and she has done nothing but complain and sleep."

"My flight doesn't leave for another two days," I state ruefully.

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