Chapter 9

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"So are you good? I can text you the timings and place, 'cause sorry Steve but your memory is not that good."

They stroll under the same branches as he and Natasha had this morning, though now the light is not the soft glow of daybreak. The sun is just starting to duck below the horizon's edge, darkening the sky as evening approaches, though it's only just past four.

"Are you sure? I mean, you did say it was just family." Steve glances at the blonde in step beside him.
"You are family, practically. And it's a memorial, Steve, you know Peggy would want you to be there."

They walk in silence for a few moments, pushing into the bushes as a cyclist whirrs past. Steve looks back to the setting sun and the gold line threaded across the roofs and through the trees, memories, old and new, flitting through his mind.

"I can't believe it's a year." He says after a moment, and Sharon sighs sadly, a hand drifting to his arm. "I miss her."
"I know, me too." Steve can hear something catching in her throat, and feels the same in his own. "All the time." He hears her sniff, but when he looks her way there's no evidence of tears and she's smiling, fond memories obviously stamping out any sour ones. He smiles too and links an arm through hers, though there is nothing romantic about the gesture, despite what he told Natasha.

Frankly, he was beyond confused when Natasha pushed him towards Sharon, but apparently she was not going to take no for an answer. Unnerving also was the hard look in her eye, the hostile flicker underneath the emerald of her irises. He'd wondered if he'd done something wrong, why her tone was so sharp, though she was clearly trying to hide whatever was seething beneath under a playful grin. Steve only knew that that was not a look he'd like to get used to, and so decided that following orders might be the best idea at that second. Whatever. He and Sharon need to catch up anyway.

"Anyway," Sharon smirks up at him and he feels a warning light go off in his head. "when are you going to ask Natasha out?"

Steve is suddenly speechless, eyes wide and mouth moving in an attempt to make some kind of reply. Eventually, her lewd smirk coaxes out a word or two.

"I- um- Natasha? She- I don't-"
Sharon looks thoughtful suddenly. "I like to think I know you, Steve. We've known each other for a couple of years now, so I like to think we're close. And that means I am completely and utterly 100% certain you really, really, like her. And judging by the daggers she was staring at me all day, she likes you too. That girl was going green as the Hulk."
He blinks. "You think she's...jealous? Of you? Why?"
Sharon shakes her head, smiling pityingly. "It's always nice to be reminded of just how blind boys are."
"What do you mean, blind? What are you talking about?"

They've reached the split in the path. Sharon strides away before he can grill her about exactly what she meant by that, grinning as he groans.
"Bye, Steve. See you tomorrow!"

He walks the rest of the way alone, mulling over what she said. Jealous? Natasha? Liking him back? By the time he arrives home his head is spinning with possibilities and scenarios, each one more ridiculous than the next.

Why does high school attraction have to be so complicated?


He picks her up the next day, as usual. When the door opens her face is unreadable and the backpack is already assembled. No need for his help, then. Steve knows he shouldn't be as annoyed as he is about that, but he can't help it. For some reason, since yesterday, something feels off. Like a tie between them was cut, connection fizzling out like a blown bulb. He doesn't know what set it off, and why, only after the conversation yesterday and a few actions today, she is being so distant.

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