The Awakening

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I gasp, lurching my body to forward to catch my breath. I felt extremely sore like I had been sleeping in the wrong position the night before. I am also freezing cold, pulling the blanket closer to my chest to try and stop shivering.

Looking around I notice that I am not in my regular bed but, instead am on one of the hospital cots in the infirmary. Kicking my feet off the bed and standing on my feet, I try to remember what happened before I went to sleep.

"Good," the stern voice of Madam Pomphrey says as she rushes up to me, "You are back. Hermione has been fretting about you since she woke two minutes ago. And it appears that you are no longer frozen as well, hmm." Madam Pomphrey gave me a once over before rushing off to check on another child, not giving me an explanation for what is going on.

What is going on, I thought. I am not hurt so why am I in the infirmary.

"Ella!" I turn around and watch as Hermione comes running straight toward me.

The air is knocked out of my chest as Hermione encases me in a hug. It doesn't last long as Hermione quickly pulls away and begins talking, "I am so glad you are okay. We were all worried when we found you in the hall, but you are fine now. Don't worry about class, though, I took notes for you and can help you study for exams. Also, Ella, I can't believe I didn't tell you this first: Harry and Ron did it," Hermine squealed before taking a deep breath to talk some more.

"Hermione! Stop!" I say trying to calm her down, "Why am I here?"

Hermione's eyebrows furrow before she says, "You don't remember?"

I shake my head, "I remember going to the library with Harry then him saying he wanted to be left alone," I force myself to remember every detail, "Then I was walking back to the common room when I...uh...."

I am struck by a vision or a memory resurfacing. Ginny? With a snake and she was with someone.

"Ginny was there, and she told me to open my eyes because I thought the monster was there . . . But she was with the monster," My eyes widen. I quickly grab Hermione before attempting to pull her to find Harry, "Hermione! It was Voldemort! His memory was somehow controlling Ginny, and we—"

Hermione pulls me back with a small tug, "Ella, relax. The boys solved everything. Harry figured it all out and destroyed the memory."

I try to slow my thoughts down as they all rush towards me, before I say, "The boys?"

Hermione nodded, "Although I suspect they found my hint about the monster being a basilisk." Hermione notices my unease and grabs my hand pulling me out of the infirmary, "I will explain on our way to the great hall."

I nod following her as she walked down the stairs, "So what happened after I was petrified."

Hermione begins to tell me about everything I missed over the entire second semester of school. She told me, just as I remembered, that Nearly Headless Nick was also petrified. Apparently, when I had turned myself to water, the petrification froze me to ice, which explained the slight chill I felt.

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