Waking up in a dark world

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Last night I just turned 18, had a party and all. Sophia wasn't feeling well, so she had her father take her home, seeing as I had picked her up and we had been secretly drinking like we normally do. Fake soda cans and all that stuff. After the party, everyone left, and a few friends and I stayed behind to clean up. Not long after, I fell asleep with my earbuds in, listening to my favorite song on my bed.

  Waking up with a Raging migraine and the incessant need to throw up isn't the best feeling in the world, but I've dealt with it before, so the "drink water and take some Advil" has become just muscle memory.

As I am getting up to get ready, I have the feeling that something isn't right. A house that is normally stirring with activity is dead silent. I slip into a loose tank top and jeans and begin my journey down the stairs of this 2 story house.

"Mom!" I yell as I reach the main room.

"Mom, if you're messing with me, this isn't funny!" I say, a slight touch of worry in my voice.

I walk into the kitchen to see if there is a note explaining why she would be gone, but none. Looking around to see if it got knocked down, I reach into one of the drawers to grab the handgun that we keep in there and begin to look around the house.

All doors are locked, and the curtains were drawn; the only lights are from inside and breaking through the blinds. After "Sweeping the house," as my father called it, I conclude she probably went to the store.

"We needed milk anyway," I mutter to myself as I trot back to the kitchen.

I am silently eating cereal when I hear what I believe is the TV in mom's room. She normally leaves it on, but it catches my attention.

I walk into her room and turn off the TV when I see an emergency broadcast announcement.

   This is the United States Emergency Broadcast Network. Stay indoors and keep all windows and doors closed. If you have to leave your building, you must wear a grade 3 respirator or higher. 

"Grade Thr- Isn't that BioChemical?" I remember last year in science class; we had a discussion on the different types of respirators in our unit on BioChemical history. Still, I barely remember what grade is what.

Going back to the kitchen was smooth other than taking the stairs too fast. Smoothly tucking the handgun into the waistband of my jeans, I remember mom telling me something about where our supplies were; I never understood why we had them, but I never questioned it, but now I wish I paid attention.

"It has to be around here somewhere," I mutter as I finish searching the house for the hundredth time. I am about to give up when I notice a small latch shining in the light of my flashlight.

"I will never understand you, mom..." I unlatch It, and the hidden door opens up to reveal the supplies.

"We have enough for almost seven people in here?! Why do we need that many?" I grab a respirator and head to Sohpia's house to see if she has seen mom.

*************Author's Note************
Hey guys, I decided to start this from a prompt I was given and the idea I had, but if you have any ideas that I could do in this, please let me know!

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