This is Mike's Fault

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This takes place in the FNAF 1 pizzeria :p


You rested your head in the palms of your hands as you sat at the security desk, waiting for your third night shift for the pizzeria to finally start. 'Why did I ever agree to switch my week with Mike's?' You mentally questioned.

~Flash back to late Saturday evening~

It was about 11:30 pm and you were just watching some random shows on TV when-


You're phone started to vibrate, signalling that you had received a text.


You looked at the device with a bored expression as you picked it up to see who had messaged you.

Can you do my night shifts this week?

You raised a brow questioningly at the message before replying.

Why can't you?

It didn't take long for him to reply.

Doll & I are going out of town last minute to see her folks. I didn't know we were until now

You furrowed your brows and pursed your lips at the message.

How does someone not know about something like that until last minute???

After a minute, Mike hadn't replied to your text. Instead, he had decided to call you to explain things.

You sighed before answering.

"Yeah, what-"

"______, is it?" ...That didn't sound like Mike. Who on Earth...? "This is Doll." That makes sense. "Look, my folks need me to come see them for about a week and I'm bringin' Mikey with me so just be chill and say yes. Please?"

Oh, how you wanted to just say "Fuck no," and hang up. But, you didnt, because you're not that much of an ass.

You let out a deep sigh. "Look, I'll do it if you tell me what's going on that Mike is gonna go with you."

Doll was silent on the other end of the line.

"I'm waiting."

Doll sighed deeply before answering. "My... My parents got into a bad accident and they're in the hospital... The reason I want Mikey to go with me is because my parents haven't met him yet and, well... This seemed like a better time than later for them to meet..."

You sat there gaping at what you just heard. 'Well shit... now I feel bad...'

"Is that a good enough-"

"Yeah, just say no more. I'll switch my week with Mike's... don't worry..."

Doll sighed in relief. "Thank you..." with that, Doll hung up.

~Back to the present~

'Oh yeah... that's why...' You thought before slowly raising your head to look up and at the tablet. As you flipped through camera's, you noticed something odd. Well, a couple things to be exact.

For one, it was already 2:50 in the morning and not a single animatronic had even moved an inch. Second, someone was actually inside the pizzeria walking around.

Vincent X Reader One-ShotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin