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Youtubers and their kids celebrating with them: Felix, Marzia, Dan(DanTDM), Jemma, Jerome, Louise, the other Dan, Phil, Shane, Lisa, Joey, Meghan, Adam, Alesa, Shay, Colette and their kids :3 Btw it's Christmas Eve here.

"Can I try singing a Christmas song, daddy?" Kiara exclaims. "Of course, which song do you wanna sing?" Ty asks. "Uhm... I wanna sing sleigh ride!" Kiara replies. "Okay then, go strut your stuff!" Ty pats her back. She skips up in front of the couches and smiles. "Hi everyone! My daddy says that I have a great singing voice! So I'm gonna show you how I can sing! I'm gonna be singing sleigh ride. It's my favorite Christmas song! If you wanna join in, feel free!" she announces and starts singing. Ty and Jocelyn were impressed. Their daughter was really good at singing. Cooper and Kezia looked at each other and nodded. They went up with Kiara and started singing as well. Soon enough, all the kids and adults started to sing along. "Thank you! Thank you!" Kiara laughs when everybody starts clapping.

"Lachlan!" A familiar voice calls out to Lachlan. He turns around and sees Avia, Shay's oldest daughter. Lachlan had always had a crush on her. But he didn't have the guts to tell her his feelings like Randy did with Heidi. "Oh... Avia, hi! Um, merry Christmas," he blushes and hands her a present. "Thank you Lachlan. This is for you," she gives Lachlan a plastic bag, which contained video game character figures. "Woah, cool. Thanks, Avia," he smiles. Avia blushes and looks at her father, who is shaking his head. She goes over to him to say something. "Dad, what's wrong?" She asks. "I don't want you to date Lachlan," he grumbles. Avia looks at him confused. "What are you talking about? I'm not gonna date him!" "It looks like he wants to tell you his feelings and I don't want him to," Shay starts to get mad. "Oh, well he is kind of cute," Avia blushes. Her father tries to protest but Colette stops him. "Shay. It's alright. He can date her if she wants to. He's a good boy, just like our Gavin," she says. "Well, we'll think about it," Shay groans. Avia smiles and goes over to Heidi to talk. Shay was in a dilemma. Should he do what his daughter really desires? Or should he do what's best for her? Aw man...

"Who wants log cake?" Shelby calls out to the group of six-year olds. "I do, I do, I do!" They all exclaim and dash towards Shelby. "Daddy, I heard you and uncle Jerome filming a hunger games video the other day," Mavis says to Mitch. "Oh really? Then what did we say?" Mitch asks, testing his daughter. Mavis smiles and recalls literally everything they said, since Mitch didn't have his headphones on and others could hear what Jerome was saying. "And then uncle Jerome did his Bacca slurp in his burning hot coffee and burnt his tongue. And then you started to laugh and then you ended the video," Mavis says. "Wow... And all this from yesterday? You have a really good memory," Mitch complements and ruffles her hair. "Thank you daddy," Mavis smiles. "Okay, now go play," Mitch kisses her forehead. "Well, that was embarrassing..." Jerome says. "She even remembers you going nuts over killing 10 people," Mitch giggles.

"Okay kids, if you want Santa to come tonight then you have to go to bed soon," Anthony says to the group of children and teens. "Awww, now daddy? But we're having so much fun!" Ingrid pouts. "Do you want Santa to come?" Gale asks her. "Of course I do!" "Then you have to go to bed now."

Ingrid, Mavis, Kiara, Kezia, Lucas and Hayden go up to their rooms to sleep and wait for Santa to come. Gale, Kyle, Cooper, Lachlan and Heidi go to bed a little later but they didn't believe in Santa anymore so it was okay. "Wait! I almost forgot!" Hayden dashes down the stairs into the kitchen and gets a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. "This is for Santa, daddy!" She giggles. Ian smiles and nods. Hayden places the plate and glass on the coffee table and goes back to bed. The rest of the kids go home with their parents. "C'mon, we should be heading to bed too," Mitch yawns.

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