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Heidi rummages around the house looking for her puppy, Jess. "JESS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" She panics. Ian and Melanie were helping her look for Jess. She wasn't ready to lose her first dog in the first few days of its homecoming. "Mom! Where could she be?!" She cries. "Honey, don't worry. She's probably somewhere around here. She couldn't have gone far," Melanie comforts her. They literally turned the house upside down looking for the Shi Tzu puppy, but to no avail. "Oh god, where is this dog?" Ian sighs. He knew that Heidi wasn't ready for a pet. One time, she accidentally flushed her hamster down the toilet bowl, because she thought it was dead, when it was really actually sleeping.

"Daddy! Daddy! I found Jess!" Hayden exclaims after two hours of looking for the dog. "You did?! Where?!" Ian asks. Hayden nods and runs up the stairs to her room. The rest follow her, surprised that she had found Jess. "Look!" She screams as she points to the road. "Huh? I don't see-NO!!!" Lachlan shouts. Jess had somehow escaped and gotten onto the road. "IAN!! YOU HAVE TO GO DOWN TO GET HER!!! SHE COULD GET RUN OVER!!" Melanie panics. "Don't worry. Super Smoshy Ian is here to save the day!" He says and runs down the stairs, dashing to save Heidi's dog.

"JESS!! COME HERE!! BE A GOOD GIRL!!" Ian screams to the dog as he sees a giant bus coming her way. "Jess!!" Ian shouts and runs across the road, scoops her up, and runs to the other side, just missing the bus by an inch. "Whew!" Ian heaves a sigh of relieve as he catches his breath.

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