Where'd you get all of that? I asked him

At the mall yesterday. He said

Now, I have the perfect outfit for you. He said and threw me some clothes making me catch it

A soldier's outfit? I asked him

Yes, now go and change into it. He said

°I went to my room and started changing into my new clothes°

°I walked out and see them waiting°

Alright, now I'm just going to put the lenses. Rufus said and put the lenses on my eyes

°I looked at a mirror and see that my irises turned blue°

Alright, let's get this plan started. Mercury said

Are you in the base? Rufus asked through the ear patch

Yeah, I'm going in. I said and walk to the two soldiers that is guarding the gate from where Camile is inside

Hello fellas. I said and waved at them

°They both waved back and the soldier stepped towards me before scanning my eyes with the scanner°

Clear. He said after scanning my eyes

°The other opened the gate for me and I thanked them before walking inside°

°I walked to the room and checked if there any soldiers guarding before I went inside°

°I saw Camile in the corner of the room°

Camile.. I said and she looked up with a teary face

Scar! She said and ran up to me before jumping in my arms

God.. I missed you. I muttered in her neck

I missed you too.. She said and cupped my face before taking my lips into a passionate kiss

°I groan and kissed her back. We both pulled away and rest our foreheads against each other°

°We heard footsteps and I immediately went inside in a empty closet before shutting the door closed°

Shh.. I said to Camile whose nervously shaking

What if they find us? What if th- I shut her off by giving her a passionate kiss

°She kissed me back and grinded on my groin. I stifle a groan and my hands cupped her butt cheeks°

Find her now! We both heard someone yelled making us both pull away

°The footsteps soon faded and I walked outside the closet with her in my arms°

Rufus, where direction should I turn? I asked Rufus through the ear patch

Go to the window and turn left, there's an empty alleyway leading to the road. He said and I followed his instructions

°Once, me and Camile were out of the base. I walked us back home°

Are we out? She mumbled and removed her face on my neck before looking up to me

Yeah. I said and gave her forehead a kiss

Thank you. She suddenly said

For what? I confusingly asked her

That you saved me, I thought I lost you. She said

Me too. I said and sigh

°She slowly cupped my cheeks and trace the veins in my face°

°I closed my eyes and enjoy the feeling of her hands°

°I felt her kiss my lips and I kissed her back. I opened my eyes and back her up in a tree°

°My mouth went to her neck and I heard her moan°

God, that turned me on..

Scar.. I heard her moaned out my name and I looked up to her

Hmm? I hummed

I don't want my first time to be here.. She said and my eyes widen

You're a.. She cuts me off

Yes, I am a virgin. She said

Sorry, I didn't know. I said and rest my hands on her sides

°We heard rustling behind us and I turned around to see trucks coming our way°

Not again. I muttered and carry Camile bridal style before running back to the house

Open the gate! I yelled after we arrived

°Mercury quickly turned the lever and the gate opened. I carried Camile inside and Mercury turned the lever again making the gate shut closed°

Finally! Mercury said and I put Camile down

°Rufus, Armina and Cedar walked towards us°

Great job, Scar. Cedar said and we both high five each other

If you need a wedding planner, count me in. Armina said and wiggled her eyebrows at me and Camile

°They all laugh while I rolled my eyes with a smile°

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