Part 1

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"I can't believe I'm actually here..." Yvonne looked around at the University of Miami. All sorts of characters were walking around and she was looking at her map to find a way to her dorm.

"Hey Yvonne!" A girl shouted from the crowd. A few seconds later, a white fox came walking out with a big smile and hugged Yvonne.

"Maxy!" Yvonne got a big grin as well and hugged her back. Maxine, or Maxy, was Yvonne's long term best friend and room mate.

"You made it! I've been waiting forever for you! The first thing we need to do is go to the beach! Or... Or... No! The mall! No... The salon for our nails and hair! Or..." Maxine was talking frantically, but Yvonne tuned her out.

Yvonne just wanted to get to her room and sleep for the rest of the day... It was a long flight, coming from Seattle. Yvonne tried to think of a new topic to get Maxy to stop talking.

"So, Maxy, was it hard leaving Justin?"

"Well, of course it was! But I have him a good bye sex night! He nailed me so hard and it felt awesome!" Maxine got a big smile on her face. "Was it hard to leave Ky-Ky behind?" Maxine smirked as she knew Kyle (Ky-Ky) and Yvonne never did any adult activities.

"Yes... But he took me out to dinner and we went to a movie I wanted to see after. He drove me to the airport and gave me one last kiss and after that... I guess it was over... But I don't feel sad about it." Yvonne was now trying to change the subject because she hated Maxy talking about adult things.

"I've brought some marijuana and a bong to celebrate college..." Maxy whispered into Yvonne's ear.

Yvonne pushed her away playfully and chuckled.

"You know I don't do that stuff..." Yvonne laughed again.

"You're in college, you have to do something! Maybe we could get some guys to come over... Or maybe sneak some alcohol into our room." Maxy plunged into thought.

"Or maybe we could just... You know, have a normal teen life." Yvonne didn't really like talking about this stuff.

Yvonne and Maxy eventually made it to the dorm and after closing the door, Maxy immediately opened the window and whipped out a pre-rolled joint and lighter and started to smoke, making sure to blow the smoke out of the window.

"Hey, uh, Yvonne, grab that Febreeze, will ya?" Maxy asked while coughing.

Yvonne rolled her eyes and tossed the Febreeze in the direction of Maxy. She didn't really care to deal with her friend right now. Yvonne started to unpack and place things around her room.

"Yvonne... Take a puff..." Coughed Maxy, holding out the joint to her.

"Uh, let me think about your offer... Hmm... No." Yvonne carried on by hanging up her varsity volleyball team photo from high school. She noticed a sticky not me next to her with an arrow pointing to her behind which read 'Nice ass! Love, Ky'. Yvonne showed a slight smile, but it quickly faded as she took off the sticky note and threw it out the window.

"Heh... Yvonne, you know our floor is all boys except us!" Maxy was trying to persuade Yvonne into inviting some over.

"Yep... I knew that already..." Yvonne was now on her laptop, browsing her Facebook while drinking a soda.

Maxy got up quietly and as Yvonne was about to take another sip, Maxine stuck the joint in Yvonne's mouth. Yvonne took a big inhale at surprise and then exhaled, followed by lots of coughing. After the coughing stopped, Yvonne stood up.

"Maxy! What the hell?!" Yvonne was breathing heavily. "I don't do that shit!"

"But you liked it... I know you did..." Maxy smiled and held out the joint for Yvonne to take another puff.

Yvonne looked at the joint, then at Maxy. She stood there, silently, for a few seconds before turning and laying down in her bed.

"No... I'm going to bed..." Yvonne said grumpily.

"Fine... I guess I will too." Maxine put out the joint and threw it out the window, landing it on the roof and she climbed into her bed.

Yvonne woke up a few hours later to the sound of panting and quiet moans. She slowly opened one eye to see Maxine riding on top of a guy. Yvonne got angry and closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but couldn't. Eventually, the guy left and Yvonne fell back asleep.

It was 10:45 in the morning when Yvonne woke up again. Maxy was still asleep, and it looked like she would be for awhile. Yvonne got up and dressed and headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Hey! You're that girl's room mate!" A guy called out. After that, some guy sat down next to Yvonne.

"Um... Yeah..." Yvonne said shyly. She wasn't too fond of new guys.

"She was a great time, can you tell her that for me?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Um... I guess." Yvonne tried to focus on eating.

"Oh, I'm Jasper! I'm on the hockey team." He gleamed with pride.

"Yvonne." Yvonne said and continued eating.

"You don't seem too friendly... How about coming over to my dorm tonight? I'll take you to a party!" He smiled.

"I'll have to think about it." Yvonne replied.

"Well, at least meet me back here at 1:30, alright? I'll buy you lunch." He got up and walked back to the group of guys in the corner.

"Probably not..." Yvonne muttered to herself.

She finished her breakfast and walked back to her room, finding Maxy still asleep. Yvonne opened the mini fridge and grabbed a soda and sat down at her computer.

"Morning sweetie..." Maxy said sleepily while sitting up.

"Already getting things inside you?" Yvonne asked, unamused.

"Oh! You woke up?! So sorry about that..." Maxine seemed embarrassed.

"Well, you're little friend seems to have something for me... He asked me to go to a party tonight and wants to buy me lunch."

"You have to go to that party! Seriously! You'll have an amazing time... Unlike your boring self in high school." Maxine joked.

"I'll think about it..." Yvonne said, she then ignored everything around her and focused on her computer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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