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This is Tori Prantlin reporting live at News Report as you can see that we are here at Lanesville where zombies are taking over. So, we still don't know how to cure them since they are born as a zombie. But w- She was cut off by a zombie lunging at her and mercilessly biting her neck

°The last thing I heard was her screaming for help when the cameraman got tackled on the ground making the screen shut down°

°I heavily sighed and buried my face in my hands°

You okay there, Camile? My best friend Tiana worriedly asked me and sat next to me on the couch

I'm just scared that zombies are at our hometown. I said

°We heard a knock on the door and Tiana opened it. Our other friends went insde covered in blood°

What happened?! I asked the four of them

We just killed zombies. Tariff said and brushed his short light brown hair

And we got some stuff. Willow said and hand me a large bag

°I took it and see canned foods, clean clothes, etc°

Damn, didn't know killing zombies could be this tiring. Brendon said and huffed with his hands in his back

That's what you call, shit. Ambert said and we all laugh at him

°We heard weird sounds outside and our eyes all widened°

We gotta go now. Tariff said and we all get the things that we need before running outside

°I accidentally stepped on a tree branch and it got the zombies attention°

Now! Brendon yelled and we all ran with the zombies following behind

°We ran to an alley and turn to a small grocery store°

°Ambert opened the glass door and we all went inside. He closed and locked the door just in time the zombies face hit the glass door making Ambert chuckle°

Not so fast. I heard a deep voice say making me shiver and sent tingles in my body

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