"I'm heading out with your father. Holly should be here soon and Mallory is making dinner downstairs. Behave yourselves," Demi and Trey were all dolled up for the Grammy's and had set their daughters on the couch for a little reprimanding before they left. Harmony just nodded along and pretended that she was listening.

"Yes mommy. Have fun. You look like a queen and daddy looks like your king," Lyric hopped up and wrapped her tiny arms around both of her parents as Harmony discreetly rolled her eyes. Lyric was such a suck up. But it was time for her to take a page from her book so she could get her stuff back.

"Yeah you guys look amazing. You'll be on top of every best dressed list there is," Harmony complimented. She smiled and hugged them as well.
"You'll kill it tonight," she gulped down again, "mom and dad."

Demi's eyes widened as she heard Harmony refer to Trey as her dad. Never in the eleven years that she had been around him had she called him dad. Maybe this little punishment was changing her daughter for the better.

"We love you guys. Be good. We'll be back soon," Trey leaned down to kiss Lyric's cheek and then he kissed Harmony's forehead. Demi was still in shock about Harmony calling Trey dad so Trey had to tug her out of the door.

"You ready to get princessed up?" Harmony asked with a wide grin as Lyric nodded and clapped her hands together. Her mom's stylist had picked out dresses for both of them and her hair and makeup artist was coming to fix them up in a few minutes. They had already bathed so they had slipped on their pajamas to make it seem like they were just going to go to sleep when their parents left.

"Harmony, who was that boy you were with yesterday?" After having her hair and makeup done, Avo was fixing her dress on her body. It wasn't anything too flashy but it was enough for the Grammy's.

"You were awake?" Harmony questioned and Lyric nodded.

"He was a friend. Just don't tell mom and dad, okay?" Harmony held her pinky out and Lyric accepted the promise before grabbing the MAC lipgloss and applying some more to her lips since that was the only makeup that she was allowed to wear.

"The car is here so we gotta go. Go grab a snack and your jacket, okay?" Lyric ran down the stairs and Harmony thanked Avo and the rest of her mother's team before dismissing them. She called in Mallory to clean her closet up before grabbing her Celine bag and heading down the stairs. Once Lyric had her snack and her iPad to keep her busy, they were out the door.

The Beyonce tribute was great but Demi was honestly fighting the urge to fall asleep because you never knew when the cameras would zoom in on the audience. The Grammy's just weren't as fun as they used to be. She used to get so excited about this one award show and the possibility of being nominated but now all she wanted was to go home with her husband and have a family movie night.

"Did you call and check on the girls?" Demi whispered and Trey shook his head. His theory was that if there was something wrong with the girls, one of them would've been called. They were probably just relaxing and watching the award show in the theater because what else did they have to do?

"I think I'm gonna call the house," Trey shook his head and closed her clutch for her.

"The category that you're nominated in is after this. I don't want you to miss it," Trey said as Demi shrugged and sat up straighter in her seat. The tribute was over and they were getting the stage set back to normal for the next round of awards. For the people watching at home, it was a commercial break.

Harmony was backstage with Lyric attempting to fix her dress but Lyric kept fidgeting and whining about how tired she was. Even though she would mess her dress up, Harmony picked her up and balanced her on her hip. All she had to do was keep it together for three minutes so that they could present their mom with her award. She was pretty sure her mom was going home after this so they could go home with her.

"I thought you were grounded," Sophia was in a shiny two piece and Harmony grimaced at her outfit choice. They obviously had very different taste in fashion.

"We're presenting my mom with an award," Harmony's mom and Sophia's mom were in the same category but Harmony knew that her mom was better than Ariana. Ariana was talented but she was washed up. Her mom was annoying but she had amazing talent and longetivity.

"Oh..." Sophia pursed her lips as Angel pushed Harmony and Lyric towards the stage. She heard their names announced and told Lyric to smile and lift her head up as she smiled as well. She still held Lyric in her arms as she approached the mic and began to read the teleprompter. She couldn't tell where Trey and her mom were sitting so she stopped looking for them.

"Pop music is not a genre. It's a reference to the type of music that is popular in our culture at any given moment, the music that's blasted on the radios and known by every person in society. The nominees for best pop vocal album are..." The video began to play on the screen and Harmony set Lyric down to open the envelope where the winner was typed out. Of course her mom's name was there and when the video stopped, Harmony opened her mouth to read it out.

"Wait, I wanna do it!" Lyric whined, causing a chorus of laughter from the audience. Lyric was such a natural. That wasn't even rehearsed.

Harmony handed Lyric the envelope. She wasn't that strong at reading but she knew her mom's name from anywhere.

"That's mommy!" She screeched into the microphone, causing another chorus of laughter and cheers.

"Our mom, Demi Lovato," the music began to play and the spotlight shined on her mom who kissed Trey and headed towards the stage. There was a huge smile on her face and as soon as she made it on the stage, she picked Lyric up and kissed Harmony on the cheek before taking her award. Now that her mom was in such a good mood from winning, hopefully she would call her dad and tell her to give Harmony her stuff back.

"She's grounded, Demi. Grounded. Do you not know what that means? It means that she shouldn't be on stage at the Grammy's in a dress that cost thousands of dollars presenting awards!" Immediately after Wilmer saw the show he had facetimed Demi and they had been engaged in a screaming match ever since. Harmony had snuck to the top floor of her mom's office to listen while Trey was putting Lyric to sleep.

"Wilmer, for the last fucking time, I did not know that she was gonna be there! It was a surprise! Okay? If it was up to me, she wouldn't have done it," Harmony fought the urge to scoff. Her mom should be grateful that she agreed to do that considering she hated every aspect of her music career. It was what had caused the demolition of their perfect family and Demi knew that.

"Well your husband should've informed you of that. I don't know what kind of communication system you guys have going on over there-"

"Excuse me? HOW DARE YOU? It's better than any communication system that you and I have ever had!"

"Yeah, obviously because we're in two different time zones and our daughter is running around half naked with high school boys!" Wilmer barked back and this time Harmony rolled her eyes. She wished her parents would just go to counseling or something. She was sure that a good psychologist could help them solve all their problems and they could get together again. Then she wouldn't be running around half naked with high school boys.

"Wilmer, whatever you tried to accomplish with this call, it's not working. I was gonna call you and ask you to send Harmony's stuff back. She's proven herself this week, Wilmer. I don't think we need to keep punishing her," Demi sat down in her chair in her full makeup and dress and combed her fingers through her hair. Fighting with Wilmer had always drained her.

"Do you hear yourself right now? It's only been a week Demi. No person can change in a week. You should know that," Demi huffed again and rolled her eyes.

"We're never gonna be able to talk or get along or coparent when you keep bringing up my past mistakes. I don't really care what you wanna do because you don't live in this house or make the proper time for your daughter. So I expect to see Harmony's things in a first class box on my doorstep in two days. Okay? Bye," Demi ended the call and Harmony pumped her fist before exiting her mom's office.

Her parents could fight and scream and tear each other down all they wanted to. She didn't even care anymore. She was just glad that she was finally getting her things back, even if her dad was totally right.

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