Part 8. Sinful Guilty Pleasure.

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The boys had the first day of the week off, George and Jaymi was trying to sober up. I went to his room around 10,and they were both still in bed and not wanting to wake up. I asked JJ, who was the only one sober from last night and sat watching telly, where the painkiller was.

I went in George’s room and kissed his forehead, “Baby, here are your pain killers and some water. Do you want me to call room service?”, all he answered was a little wine. So I grab the phone and ordered spagetti bolognaise, yes, for breakfast.

I sat next to JJ and grabbed a handful of grapes from his plate. “What do you have planned for today?”, the grape juice was dripping over the tips of his mouth. “You have a bit of uhmm”,  I held back and laugh and scooted over to him, I used my thumb to wipe it. He smiled and got his faces closer to me, “Is it gone yeet?”, he smirked and made the ugliest face.

“Think you’re okay”, I agreed, “I have nothing to do”, I sighed.

“Don’t you have plans with your brother? You spend an awful lot of time with us already”

“You kicking me out?”

“Yep”, he laughed, “Nah we like you here”
“They’re used to me being away. I told them I can’t be as much around them here in London but I have another two months of traveling with them. I’ll make it up, they don’t mind”, I explained. I took one of his cheese crackers, “Sorry I haven’t eat. Just woke up as well”

“Do you wanna eat out for brunch?”, he sat back straight and sweep the crumbs of his lap. “Yeah okay, George can take care of himself”.

He got changed into a denim shirt and white shorts, he had his nike sneakers on while I was dressed in my black summer dress. We walked through the doors and there were a few photographers there, but JJ was so relaxed he even told me to pose with him, “Trust me”, he said. He puts his arms around my waist, “I know what I’m doing”, he said while smiling for the cameras. We both waved good bye and got a cab.

“How was that so…”, I was trying to find a word for it. “Relaxed?”, he answered.

“Exactly. George is always up tight with media stuffs”, I explained, I grabbed my lipstick from my chanel bag and put it on as the cab went through one of the greatest buildings of London.

“Trust me, it won’t bring hate towards you, nor to me. people will love you”, he was looking through the window.

“You sure?”, he nodded in response.

We arrived at this french bakery, he said it was one of the places he used to work in. And they serve the best toasts and croissants, and french vanilla ice cream. “I still come here when I could”, he told me after he ordered and talked to his old mate.

“It’s good, you’re still grounded. You are like this stabilizer of the group”, the restaurant was filled with white seats and pastel colored walls. “I’m the oldest, I try to be mature as much as I could”, he joked. 

We had a decent chat, and got to know a each other a little bit more.

“Did you lie of never been in love?”

“Nope, I always have this hard time…bonding with people”
“I think you’re doing just great with me”
“That’s simply because you’re not judging me, and I could talk anything and you’d understand. Probably this x factor thing had taught me to open up to media and people in general”, he was stirring his orange juice.

“Sooner or later you’ll know what its like”

“So said a 17 year old girl”, he chuckled, “do you love George?”

George never asked me this or told me he did. But it made me think, everything is lovely with him. And he sacrificed a lot to be with me, taking chances with the group and all. But there was always that missing factor in my heart. I really like him but I keep thinking if this is a fling or I just haven’t felt it.

“I don’t know. I’ve never been in love; I keep acting like I do. It’s because I keep imagining what it’ll be like”, I explained.

His look was so soft and he was looking at me with the most genuine look and smile.

“You know, for a 17 year old, I think you’re amazing”, British man and their compliments.

“Course!”, we shared inside jokes and had ice cream for an early dessert.

He said goodbye to his friends and we walked in the daylight together. He was so chilled, he wasn’t bothered running into anyone. When we arrived at the hotel, there were like 10 fans waiting and they literally screamed when JJ came and had his arms wide open for them to hug.

I took a few steps back and smiled, JJ was so patient with them. His face lit up, when they started tearing and hugging them so tight. “I love you too”, he always say. “Thanks for voting”, he says to them.

Then one went up and asked him, “is she your girlfriend? She’s pretty”, one of the younger fan said. JJ looked at me and laugh, “I wish she was. Nah, kidding. She’s George’s girlfriend”.

“Aww that’s so cute. I’m Ariana”, she came up. “Hey, I’m Ella. Nice to meet you”, it’s so cute that she’s blushing. “Can you take a picture of me with JJ and Ella?”, she said to her friend. I looked at JJ, and he nodded as in saying okay. We posed with her between us, and then we said our goodbyes with the others and went inside. 

“This was really fun”, JJ leaned back in the elevator. “You’re not too bad at all”, I put my arms around his neck playfully. He laughs and had a serious look on his face, he put one hand on my waist and another on my neck. I was in the ‘mood’, he leaned in and kissed me. At first I didn’t kiss back.

 We drifted apart, but I leaned in the second kiss. It was those long first kisses, but we were both out of breath and I stopped. “This isn’t right”, I heard the ‘ting’ of the elevator and my forehead was still at his.

He didn’t answer anything but a smile, he led us out and he didn’t say anything until we got to the front door, “Act like nothing happened”, he softly said and kissed my forehead. I took a deep breath.

George was sat at the counter eating room service; I literally ran to him and hugged him tight.

“Hey, what’s up?”, he laughed while putting his bowl down and hugging me back, his face was burried on my neck. “Nothing, I miss you”, I tried to hold back my tears and kissed his cheeks. Wondering what JJ feels standing there behind me. “Aw, isn’t that cute”, he put his hands on my head. So we stayed a little longer.

“Sorry I stole your girlfriend away from you a little bit”, he went in the kitchen, “was only brunch”, he yelled. I looked at George, I thought of his childish and loving side, and what he’d be like if he knew what really happened. But does he need to know?

George chuckled, still patting my back and cuddling me, “It’s okay. By the looks of it, it went bad; that’s why she’s running to me”, he joked. “It was horrid”, JJ made an ick face. “But we got a long pretty well”, he added and winked at me.

Jaymi and Josh went out of their rooms, and it was around 12pm already. “Staaaarving”, Jaymi dramatically said. He kneeled on the floor and acted it all out. He was the dramatic funny one. “Hungoveeer”, Josh said as well, throwing himself to the sofa. “ouch, shit”, he swore when he accidentally hit himself on the head.

“Anything to add?”. I looked at George and JJ if he wanted to play it out together. “Head acheeee”, George kneeled and had his arms up high. “Happyyyy”, JJ rolled on the floor. We were laughing our arse off on how silly they all acted. “Ella?”, Josh said.

“DON’T WANNA GOOO”, I yelled and sat on the floor helplessly. That made them all scoot over near to me, “Group hug!”, Josh yelled again. I was squashed between the most amazing people one earth. 

My boyfriend.

My good friend.

My good friend.

And my sinful guilty pleasure.

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