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His clothed feet pounded against the hallway and he slipped around corners because of the stupid ugly shoes they made him wear that had no traction on the bottom, just smooth fabric. He could hear distant shouts. "Damnit not again!" "Catch it!"

It. How degrading. He launched himself into the wall, bouncing off and clinging to the ceiling. This was space after all, so gravity was a bit whacked out. The guard passed underneath him and quickly spotted him clinging to the ceiling. "Come down from there!" The guard shouted. He had a deep voice and it almost had a purring or growling sensation to it. The guard was tall, 7 foot at least, and had big ears shaped like a water droplet on the top of his head. He had furry skin, the sleek fur a dark grey, which the boy had quickly learned varied from each alien.

They called themselves Varcas. Var-Sas. The cat like creatures weren't especially hostile unless provoked. The alien reached up with clawed fingers, trying to gently pull him down. He leaned down and slipped his shoe off, bringing it up and thwacking the alien on the head with it, something his mother used to do when angry, she was a beautiful Hispanic woman, his dad Chinese, they were his adoptive parents and he loved them like he would his own.

The alien was unaffected. "Please?" The alien begged. No. No way. He was not about to be sold off to some alien in the middle of space. If only he hadn't gone camping that weekend. He and his friends had decided to take a camping trip deep in the woods awhile back, they were all having a good time, although a few of them had mentioned feeling watched a couple of times, now he knew why.

They had all gone to sleep together in the giant tent, and when he woke up, he was in some room surrounded by cat people who were poking and prodding at him trying to figure out what he was. Anti climatic sure, but it was still frightening, and now it was "presenting day" where they would clean up all the "pets" to make them look nice, hoping they behaved just as well, and put them all in their own environment with their own species to be sold. Like a pet store.

Coming back to reality he thumped the cat thing again. "I refuse to be sold off like some pet!" "But you are a-" He thumped the cat like creature once more. "I am not!" The creature lifted a device to its lips and made an odd rumbling noise a few times for different amounts of time at different frequencies. He was calling for back up probably. Yup.

Not but a minute later two other sets of footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. They all appeared under him, including his personal guard, not a Varca, but something else. He was larger, and more human-like, his skin was leathery and ash gray, with black eyes, and cat like pupils that glowed violet with pointy almost elf like ears, jagged teeth, thick shoulder length blue hair, and horns protruding from his head.  "Human come down from there." Demanded the first one softly.

"No." He shook his head, even though his arms were getting sore. It sighed and purred into the device again. Suddenly he was heavier and he fell from the ceiling into the waiting arms of the three aliens. They turned the gravity on. Cheaters. He thrashed as one of them carried him bridal style, squishing him against their chest to keep him still.

He growled. "Let go!" The creature ignored him and kept walking until they finally reached a set of familiar glowing yellow doors and he thrashed harder as the doors slid open and back closed again, locking, as he was set down and the guard began to try and strip him. He swatted the guards hands, though he was used to it at this point. They just didn't understand the concept of personal space.

He pulled his favorite pocket knife out of the waistband and slid off the skimpy sheer white cloth and chain that covered his hips and set it in a pile next to the ledge. The guard grabbed him and lifted him again, walking into the pool with him. This guard had been assigned to take care of him personally because he was a bit of a trouble maker. He had a nasty habit of biting and escaping, running away from the confines of his room. So they assigned him a guard, that's what they do for all the trouble makers, the rare ones anyway.

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