Episode 21-The Devil Himself

Start from the beginning

What are you doing? Go!

"I've been dealing with 'frightening' things my entire life," Sal persisted. "I think I'll be fine."

The man sighed. "Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Sal slowly creeped backward.

The man's eyes glowed blood red.

"I'm the Devil."

Sal froze over the threshold of the door. The blood drained from her face.


The Devil grinned. "Call me Lucifer." 

The black metal door slammed shut, pushing Sal back into the room. A horrified scream ripped from her chest. She pounded her fists against the door but it wouldn't budge. 

"Sam!" Sal shrieked. "Dean! Help me!"

"You're wasting precious time and energy," Lucifer chittered. "I'm controlling the door. It's going to stay closed as long as I want it to."

Sal turned around, tears streaking her face.

"Why?" Sal whimpered. "What do you want with me?" 

Lucifer chuckled. "Isn't it obvious? I'm setting up a negotiation. Your safety for my freedom. Don't worry, though. The Winchester brothers are notoriously soft. They would give up their lives before letting an innocent die."

Footsteps sounded from outside, followed by loud banging on the door.

"Sal! Hold on! We're gonna get you out of there!"

"Sam!" Sal cried, turning back to face the door. "He said he's gonna kill me if you don't set him free!"

"He'll be dead before he can snap his fingers," Dean snarled. Backing up, he kicked the door with the force of a bull, but it remained shut. 

Bemused, Lucifer shook his head. "Boys, you know how this works. Sally here won't live to see puberty unless you let me go."

"I hit puberty when I was twelve, jackass!" Sal snapped, ramming her shoulder into the door.

"Ooo, feisty!" Lucifer cheered. "I like how you chose an insult with my son's name. A nice personal touch."

"If he's your son, I pity him," Sal growled. Her energy was waning and she had a feeling it wasn't from trying to bust down the door. Lucifer must have been feeding on her fear. 

On the outside, Dean looked to Castiel for help.

"Can't you open the door with your angel mojo?" Dean yelled.

"Not when Lucifer's controlling it," Cas said sadly. "He was an angel once, remember? An angel fighting another angel's magic is like fighting fire with fire. It's useless."

Sal could hear everything they were saying. The word angel  didn't register with her in the chaos, but the word magic  did.

"That's it!" Sal exclaimed. Feverish but determined, she drew whatever energy she had left into her throat... and converted it to song.

Sam, Dean, and Castiel were flung away from the door as Sal began to sing. In the hospital, her voice had been soft and lilting, a lullaby to pacify the security guards so she could escape with her sister and the Mako Mermaids. This song was shrill and piercing, like a banshee gone rampant on the moor. She screeched at Lucifer, all the anger inside her sending him backwards. The Devil yelped as his chair crashed to the floor. The door flew open, and Sal didn't hesitate this time to run.

The bright light of the bunker nearly blinded Sal, causing her to collide with Sam. Once again, it was Dean who locked the door so Lucifer couldn't get out. He was breathless and bruised, but otherwise alright. Thankfully, the worst injury had been dealt to Lucifer, and even that wasn't too serious. A damaged ego. He'd get over it.

"Sal," Sam murmured. "Did--did you do that?"

He thought Sal had said "yes," but he couldn't be sure. Her voice was muffled from her face being buried in his shoulder. Her heart was racing; Sam could feel it beat against his chest. She was clinging to him for dear life.

Dean watched Sam pry Sal off of him to look her in the eye.

"It's okay, Sal. You're safe now. We won't let anything like this happen to you again. I promise."

"It was my fault," Sal said, her voice hoarse from screaming. "Nancy told me it was Jackson. I didn't realize--"

"Jackson?" Dean interjected. "Nancy never mentioned anyone named Jackson."

Sal knew right away she had made a mistake, but she couldn't take the words back. The brothers would have found out eventually, so she might as well have told them herself.

"My father," Sal answered before they could ask. "He reemerged as a wraith because my mother betrayed him."

Stunned, Sam stared at Sal.

"The wraith Nancy told Dean about... he's your father?"

Sal nodded. She was still shaken up from her encounter with Lucifer, but Sam's comforting nature was calming her down.

"Well that's a useful piece of information Nancy conveniently left out," Dean said angrily. "If she lied to us about who the wraith really is, who knows what else she's lied about?"

"It's not her fault," Sal objected. "I'm in charge of my sisters. I'm the one who makes them keep secrets from everyone."

"Why?" Castiel asked. Sal jumped when she heard his voice. He had been so quiet she'd forgotten he was there. "If your father is trying to kill you, then why didn't you seek help sooner?"

They waited for a reasonable answer, but Sal didn't have one. Her first instinct was to protect her family's secret, but that wouldn't help her in the long run. The Winchesters had proven they could be trusted. Now Sal had to prove she could be trusted, and the only way to do that was by telling them the truth. All of it.

"I'll tell you everything," Sal swore, "but not here. I don't want him  learning anything more about my family."

Dean nodded somberly. "I don't blame you. I know the place to go."

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