A Brief Synopsis of My Nancy Drew-In Poem Form

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What do you think of when you hear the word mystery?  Perhaps you think of Sherlock Holmes or Doctor Who. For me, what comes to mind, is a little girl named Nancy Drew. With her strawberry blonde hair and pretty brown eyes, she may have looked like a normal kid, but I'm here to tell you that is not the truth. She was the greatest hero who ever lived.                                       

Her father was a wizard, her mother a mermaid. They raised her in River Heights, but she wished they had stayed. Sadly, her father got a job, far far away, so they had to sail to Monterrey.

A thunderstorm came and struck the ship, causing it to sink. Many people lost their lives, but only one shall be put in ink. Poor little Nancy lost her mother that night, for Jeanette Drew drowned like the rest. But what I'm about to tell you will give you a fright, and put your bravery to the test.  

Nancy saw everything, her mother and the water, but Jeanette's death wasn't the ocean's doing. It was one of the father's. No, not Nancy's. Carson loved his wife. The culprit was the father of Jeanette's oldest daughter, a lover from Jeanette's old life. Nancy and Sal were half-sisters, same mom, different dads. Jeanette had loved Sal's, until she found out he was bad

Jackson, his name was, had been born to Sauron. His father was the epitome of evil, but Jackson himself did nothing wrong. Jackson had been different. He really had loved his family. It was a misunderstanding that created all this agony. When Jeanette found out who his father was, she left and took Sal with her. Jackson cried for days on end, but he never thought of murder.

In fact, Jackson returned to Middle Earth to win Jeanette back. They were both from there, but his home was Mordor, the land of death and black. He went to Gondor to help her people, but when Jeanette's sister found him, all she saw was evil. Eowyn knew Jackson's father, too, so she didn't trust him one bit. With a mighty roar, she plunged her sword and Jackson's throat was slit. 

Little did she know he was on her side, that Jackson's intentions were good. But it didn't matter what he had done, for Jackson, to feel, he no longer could. He became a wraith, a demon, a being of darkness. Now everywhere he went he caused distress. He vowed that day he would get revenge, starting with Jeanette. Then one by one he would kill her children, and bring the Drew family to an end

Do not worry, reader. Jackson failed that night. It's sad he drowned Jeanette, but the girls were alright. There were fifteen in total, the last four were adopted. Carson didn't care, though. He felt no pressure. Biological or not, his girls were his treasures. He had loved Jeanette with all his heart, and missed her just as much. To ease his grief, he took in orphaned wizards, which kept him from falling apart. Carson taught them to sing and dance and speak with passion, but the most important thing he taught them was magic. Every Drew girl had her own special gift, such as Lucy who could see the unseen or Evelyn who could hear the unheard, but the most special of them all were also the most absurd. 

Sal was a siren, just like her mother, but neither had taken advantage of others. Elizabeth could speak to animals from all walks of life, those who were sheltered and those who had strife. Destiny could read people, not their minds but their hearts. She could sense if they were sweet or if they were tart. The last girl was Nancy, are you surprised? This story is about her, the truths and the lies. She was a wizard, a mermaid, a princess. Her power alone couldn't do much, but with her sisters she could stop the darkness.

Nancy was only eight years old, but this didn't scare her. She knew she had to stop Jackson so no more suffering could occur. Together, the Drew girls could do anything, even defeat the wicked Witch King. Nancy would stand tall, she would stand strong, and at the end of it all she would be able to say,

"My name is Nancy Drew, and I have saved the day."

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