Episode 1-The Drew Family

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Foreword: I recommend you read the poem that comes before this. It's a new addition and gives some insight on the origins of Jackson, and why Nancy and her sisters are the only ones who can defeat him. Thank you.

It was a quiet Sunday morning, like all mornings were in Monterrey. The sun slowly rose in the sky, shedding its golden light across the ocean. Nothing could disrupt the sense of peace in the air. Except...


The oldest Drew girl, Salandra, screamed at the top of her lungs. She had woken up to find her hair dyed green! Cranky and furious, she launched herself out of bed, stomped down the stairs, and burst into the backyard. All of her sisters were out there, laughing and playing without a care in the world. 

The Drew girls loved being outside; the backyard was their domain. They had moved in five years ago after their grandfather, Daniel Drew, passed away. His son, Carson (the girls' father) had already been planning on moving to California because he had been promoted, but of course they left sooner after receiving the sad news. 

Daniel Drew had been fabulously rich due to his contributions to the wizard world. He left everything to Carson and his family, including the mansion they were currently living in. As tragic as the passing of their grandfather was, the girls were unfathomably grateful that his last act had been so generous. He wanted to make sure his granddaughters were taken care of, and they were. For a while.

"Where is she?" Salandra demanded.

No one noticed her. The girls were much too occupied to pay attention to their big sister. Jenneda was practicing her tail kicks in the pool, Lexi and Lindsey were preparing for their gymnastics competition, Mary was painting a portrait of Kate, Nim was teaching Bo how to properly swing from a tree, and Elizabeth and Destiny were playing hopscotch with the little ones. Salandra's blood boiled. Just as she thought, Nancy wasn't there. She must have been hiding from her.

"You guys!" Salandra shouted. "This is important!" 

Still no response. Desperate to get their attention, Salandra marched over to a tree, rubbed her hands together, and began to peel the bark off it. The tree howled in pain, frightening the life out of the girls. Jenneda's tail slapped the water hard, sending a wave into the air. Lexi fell off of the monkey bars just in time for Lindsey to catch her. Mary spilt paint all over her canvas, startling Kate. Nim darted behind a tree, and Bo flew through the air, landing roughly on her stomach. Elizabeth and Destiny tried to calm Evelyn down, for she was the youngest and most sensitive to noise. The three-year-old could hear a pin drop in a large crowd. 

Once Salandra was sure everyone was listening, she pulled out her wand, uttered a few words, and tapped it against the tree. The damaged bark repaired itself. Salandra spun around and glared her sisters. They were wide-eyed and shaking, but anger put blinders on her guilt. 

"Now that I've finally  got your eyes and ears," Salandra said irritably, "do any of you know where Nancy is?"

A suspenseful silence fell upon the group. The girls all looked at each other, murmuring to themselves. 

"Have you seen her?" "No, not since we went to bed last night." "I haven't seen her." "Me neither." "Where do you think she is?" "I don't know."

Salandra rolled her eyes. "None  of you know where Nancy is?" 

A big shrug rippled through the girls. Salandra sighed and dropped her head. She muttered a few words under her breath, then strolled across the grass. The girls lined up, from oldest to youngest. Jenneda had trouble getting out of the pool since she temporarily had no legs, but was able to do so with Elizabeth's help. Quickly, Elizabeth wiped her hands on her dress so she wouldn't pop a tail and scurried into line. 

The Adventures of Nancy Drew (In Chronological Order) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now