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👤: milliebobbybrown

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👤: milliebobbybrown

noahschnapp and 466,823 others liked

verapulman   you look different here

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username   hahaha wtf
↳ verapulman   honestly, idk

username   OMG TRUE

username   yoooo they look like brother and sister

username   @milliebobbybrown

username   why is vera using millie for clout? they aren't even friends

username   riGHT ^^^

milliebobbybrown   kinda true

username   tom holland 😙👅

verapulman   what are you talking about? you look like twins @milliebobbybrown

username   I LOVE YOU VERA

username   💗💗😍😣🏅

therealcalebmclaughlin   WAJT WHAT

username   millie and vera would be powerful duo ngl

username   millie and vera would be powerful duo ngl

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👤: verapulman

therealcalebmclaughlin and 682,228 others liked

milliebobbybrown   add "millie bobby brown" next to caleb mclaughlin and it would be 100% correct

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username   HAHAHHAH

username   why is millie casually searching up vera on twitter
↳ username   why is vera doing the same?

username   i love this

iseymour   i'm loving this

verapulman   so not true
↳ verapulman   only your name should be on the left

milliebobbybrown   wow ok

jaedenweasley   Why isn't my name next to Irene's?
↳ verapulman   because

username   🤣🤣🤣🤣

therealcalebmclaughlin   I'M SO HAPPY RN BUT ALSO SO CONFUSED

therealcalebmclaughlin   SOMEONE EXPLAIN

verapulman   what is there to explain

username   vera and millie film a yt video for vera's channel

username   i'm meeting you in 35 days millie !!
↳ milliebobbybrown   i can't wait!!

username   No.

username   lmao what do you mean no?? @username
↳ username   No.

username   pls fillie photoshoot
↳ username   pls sillie photoshoot


( 2 participants )

millie brown
in a week again?

vera pulman

millie brown

vera pulman
sure idc

author's note.

i loved making
these twitter posts
( the first one isn't mine )


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