laurakwan What am amazing wedding! So happy for you beautiful!

nuggets Congratulations Haylee and Sam!
haylsnicholson Thank you!

lysfreeland Okay wow 😭🥺🥰 congrats!

jordannharvey Congrats!
haylsnicholson Thank you! And thank you to you and the rest of @kingcalaway for singing 🥰🥰🥰 you were amazing!

mpj Congrats!
user1 Uh what?

haylsnicholson Thank you all so much for the well wishes! It means the world to us!

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As Haylee and Sam went to the hospital in an ambulance, she couldn't help but think back to a conversation she had with Lex years ago

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As Haylee and Sam went to the hospital in an ambulance, she couldn't help but think back to a conversation she had with Lex years ago. She couldn't believe it was actually happening.

"Do you want me to call anyone?" Sam asked worriedly.

"I suppose Lex and her brothers," Haylee huffed.

"And tell them what?"

"For them to meet us at the hospital."

"O-okay," Sam stuttered slightly.

When Haylee and Sam arrived at the hospital, she was immediately taken away for X-Rays. Sam paced around as he waited for her to come back. When she came back, the nurses said they'd be back to set her IV and get her pain killers.

Haylee held Sam's hand while she waited. Haylee hated needles. She always said that was the only thing stopping her from getting a tattoo or any other piercing besides her ears and nose. When they came back with the needle, Haylee clutched Sam's hand and looked away as they placed the IV in her wrist. Sam held her hand and kissed her forehead to try and distract her.

"You're not pregnant are you?" The nurse asked.

"No," Haylee shook her head, "I have an IUD."

"Okay. You should start to feel some relief soon."

"Aren't you getting your IUD out soon?" Sam asked.

"Supposedly in a few days."

Lex arrived shortly after the nurse left with Jonah, Cousy, and Nolan. Lex had a bemused smirk on her face the for the whole Uber ride. The Arenado brothers could not understand for the life of them why their sister seemed so smug. They was worried for Haylee and Sam. Sam's call to them around 3 am after their wedding had shocked him. Lex just sat there with a smirk on her face.

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