"I don't bite much," the woman calls, voice echoing, "you can come join me. I must speak with you." I shiver at the sheer power of her voice. When I finally see her in the light, she is stunning. Her hair is long, a deep auburn tied back into a slick ponytail. Her eyes are deep brown, almost black. She has long legs, her skin a deep tan. Features sharp somewhat like mine. She wears an off-white shift dress that is belted around her waist. The cloth ends at her knees with a golden design along the trim. Her shoes are leather, straps running all along her calves. The belt around her waist holds a quiver off arrows and a short sword. Beside her is a beautiful bow. She lounges in a calm position, taping the stone beside her.

"Who are you?" I ask without thinking. She smiles at me, showing perfectly straight white teeth.

"Names Artemis, friend of Athena's." She offers me her hand for a shake. I shake it, amazed to have an actual goddess sitting in front of me. "Before you ask any more questions, I have things that I need to tell you." I nod, keeping my mouth shut as I listen intently. "Athena and I were once lovers. It's not important now but you should keep that in mind for later. Gods and goddesses have these mortal forms that are exceedingly rare. Athena is one of them and I was once one. You are one as well, but not fully. Your celestial DNA stops my soul from fully being a part of you, but a potion of it is.

"I am a portion of your soul, the rest of me is scattered across time and space with the rest of the books. I really brought you here to ask for your help and to warn you." Her eyes bore into mine. Her hands reach forward, soft, and smooth, to grip my calloused fingers. "Protect Athena for me. Please. I ask of you only this, protect her where I failed. I warn you of the war that is brewing, trust those closest to you, distrust those of your bloodline. All but Giovanni. I have already spoken to him as he now shares a portion of my soul. Keep yourselves, Athena, Stardust, and the others safe from those who would wish to hurt you." She smiles at me as she starts to fade. "Our time has come to an end, go back to her and keep her safe. Please, succeed where I failed." With that I feel something pulling me awake, drawing me back to the land of the living.

I wake to the ship jerking slightly, and Athena petting my hair. I look up at her and smile softly at her unruly white hair. The moment of peace is broken when Giovanni comes into the room without knocking. Without thinking I toss the blankets over top of her to cover her. She sleeps in nothing but her underwear and one of my oversized t-shirts that falls off one of her shoulders.

"What?" I growl at him in my gravely morning voice as Athena laughs softly at me. I glare at her gently before turning back to Giovanni.

"We are approaching the Mech planet, a little late but we are here." I shrug before he tosses my jacket at me. I glare at him as I get up, stripping off my pj's and getting dressed in skinny jeans, a loose tank top, my leather jacket, combat boots, and my necklace of different charms. I study the rose attached to the necklaces, seeing it thriving and well. I brush out my hair, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and go back to Athena. She has a slight blush on her face as she studies me.

"Do you wear anything other than that?" She asks me. I smile at her, walking over to her and cupping her face in my hands, kissing her forehead.

"Nope." I monotone before leaving the room. I go to the control room to find the twins and Giovanni waiting for me. I smile at each of them as I enter the room, going to stand between the twins and Giovanni. "Eventful night?" I ask my brother with a smirk at the small, faint hickeys shining on his pale skin.

"I will kill you." He grumbles at me. I laugh, knowing his distaste for hickeys, yet he somehow ends up covered in them. I smirk at him evilly before Zel smacks my arm as her mother shows up on the window.

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