The crush

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"Vivi... Can you please calm down now? She's gone"""NO! SHES A JERK! s-she.. She shouldn't have been in this group! She's ugly and fat and mean an-"" 'SHUT UP! SKYLAR IS NOT UGLY OR FAT OR MEAN SHE IS A BEAUTIFUL PERFECTLY SIZED NICE GIRL!!' ""A-Arthur-"" The blonde had tears running down his face as he got up from the booth and went to the van he grabbed his phone and called Skylar her contact name was ☀My sunshine girl💫 he blushed slightly as he pressed the call button.

Sky was asleep on the couch when she heard her phone she groans and looks to see the contact name 💘Arthur💘 she smiled and answered "Hello?" 'hey sky!' "Hey Artie whats up?" 'nothin much uhm- I have a question-' "Hm? Ask away" 'Would you like to hang out at my place today?' The small female blushed thinking "should I say yes?! Or should I say no- or oh dear-" "sure! You picking me up?" 'if you like!' "I wont mind" 'Then sure ill pick you up around- noonish-' "that sounds nice!" 'ok see ya!' "Bye Artie!" She hangs up and then squeals happily "YAAY!!"

' YES! MYSTERY!!' The dog runs over to the excited blonde he laughed happily 'Skylars coming over! I'm so excited!!' The small white dog barks happily and bounces around as Arthur laughed slightly. He then hears a knock on the door and he walks over to open in seeing a semi pissed vivi and a worried Lewis "hey Artie" 'hey! What's up?' ""We wanted to hang out"" ' Uhm... Sorry I already made plans today! Around noonish I'm gonna pick sky up and were gonna go eat some pizza!' ""Can we come?"" 'i-If its ok with sky-sky! i-I... I mean Skylar!!' ""Well call her"" 'u-uhm well lemme go pick her up!' The blonde laughed and went to his van taking the keys and starting it.

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