part 2

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'Wow,' muttered Keefe 'All the ladies are staring at me.' Dex snorted, and made his way to the front of the crowd of foxfire students. 'What house do you want to be in?' he whispered to Sophie. She turned around to face him. 'I don't know anything about the houses.' she answered 'I have to know about them before I choose one.' A boy with gelled- back platinum blonde hair and pale skin got up from his seat at the Slytherin table, and walked up to Sophie. 'Hey,' he said 'You should come join Slytherin. It's where all the heroes are made. Don't let the Gryffindor freaks fool you into thinking otherwise.' Sophie, obviously getting a bad vibe from him, said 'No thanks,' and moved away over to Fitz. 'Hi, Soph,' he said 'What was that blonde guy talking to you about? I think my dad had his dad as his wizard pen pal in level six, and he was a bit... Evil. So I would advise you to stay away from him.' 'Yeah, I will.' agreed Sophie 'What house do you want to be in?' Fitz shrugged, and shook his head 'I don't know,' he answered 'But I hear that Gryffindors are really brave. That'd be cool, to be in a house with all brave people.' Sophie nodded, and jumped when Dex seemingly appeared out of nowhere. 'Yeah, nah.' he said 'They're probably mostly just showoffs. People who are "brave" usually are.' Fitz gave him an apprehensive look. 'Well then, what house do you want to be in, Dex?' he asked. 'Probably Hufflepuff. They're nice. And loyal.' Dex said 'But I need to meet people from all the houses before I choose one. oh, and it also depends on which house the rest of you guys are in. If you all go in Gryffindor, I guess I'll just have to put up with those... those snobs for a while.' He was interrupted by The head of Hogwarts, Hagrid, inviting the foxfire students to come down and sit and eat with the Hogwarts ones. 'Come and have a talk, to decide which house you're gonna be in.' he said, and they made their way down to the tables. 'Dex, Keefe- get over here!' called Fitz 'And get the girls and Tam too.' 'So how about we go to Gryffindor first;' he said, Once they were all there 'And if we like them, then we stay there.' 'Meh, I wanna go to Slytherin,' Keefe argued 'They seem cool. and not fake.' Biana sighed. 'Well, you can go talk to them if you want to,' she said 'But the rest of us are going to Gryffindor first.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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