fucked me over.

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Y/n's pov.

"Don't you remember?" I focused on the tiled ceiling that sat perfectly symmetrical above us, counting the spotted squares over and over

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"Don't you remember?" I focused on the tiled ceiling that sat perfectly symmetrical above us, counting the spotted squares over and over. Alex sat on the bed adjacent to mine on his phone. "Remember what?" The room filled with the crisp sound of nothingness once more. Apart from the overpowering sound of a janky space heater, the room was uncomfortably quiet. The rest of the boys left to go see some mindless event, and they most likely wouldn't return until the early hours of the next morning. Call me a buzzkill if you want, but getting wasted with a bunch of gamers isn't enticing.

Not for Alex either. That left me and him, alone in the hotel room. "When things were good." Out the corner of my eye, I saw him mouth something. It was no use though, I was high out of my mind. No way I could make it out. Those weird little eye-floater things drifted into my vision, but instead of one there seemed to be a gazillion. I looked around with no luck. My gut kinda assumed the shit I took had likely been laced with something else.  "The fuck are you talking about?" His attention had been steered away from his phone, and instead to me.

He slid his phone in his pocket. My eyes felt weird, and I felt like I was having a panic attack. I pinched the side of my thigh, trying to make sure I was still alive. "When you didn't hate me." My words came out more shaken than I intended. I soon found that my hands covered my eyes. I was trying anything to escape whatever bad trip I'd fallen ill to. This is what I got for trying something new, especially given to me via Cooper. "Are- you okay?" I could tell he was avoiding what I said. So, devoid of anything I wanted to say, I stayed quiet.

The room stayed still. "Y/n." After a few more minutes of me not budging, he stood up. I heard his feet thump against the carpet, he walked like a fucking elephant. "Did you die or some shit?" His false sense of worry did nothing for me. He made it clear he wouldn't care if I died, and that was A okay. His pace met my bedside. The inside of my brain felt like it was being pushed through a spaghetti strainer. My fingers trembled, but they stayed firm against my eyelids. "I just want you to tell me why you hate me so much."

"I don't care enough to hate you. Now sit u-." Without hesitating. he grabbed my hands from my face. The sudden gush of the cool surrounding air that replaced the heat of my hands was all it took. Everything came up within a matter of seconds. And without a moments warning, I hunched over the side of the bed and profusely puked all over the white carpet. Alex, thankfully, had quick reflexes and fell back just in time to be missed. "Okay what in the FUCK was that!" I felt slightly better, but still wanted to pass out.

If it weren't for me feeling like shit I would have body slammed him off the balcony. Instead of taking a tough approach, I burst into tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Everything I said was jumbled and I couldn't get a single word out correctly. "It's okay, I promise, please don't cry," He stepped aside the mess and helped me stand up. "C'mon now don't cry." The way he'd been treating me seemed like a totally different person. Confusion made the pain even worse, and I cried even harder.

"I fucked things up really bad. I'm so stupid and I just wanted you to love me," As cheesy as it probably was to him, he wiped the tears from under my blood shot eyes. Things were incredibly awkward between us before, no doubt they'd be even worse after this experience. "I do love you." I fought so hard not to believe the lie. "You don't have to say that just because you feel bad for me." After all the shit I'd put him through I knew I had no place to play the victim. I'd made a fool of myself in front of someone I truly cared for.

"You lied to me and you fucked me over plenty of times for a guy you'd already been dating," he pulled away. I prepared for the worst. "And yet I still find that you're the only thing on this earth I can't live without. So I'd say I do love you."

actually proud of this one

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