A song suddenly played, it was the wedding song. And that is the signal for them to get ready because the wedding ceremony will start.

Chen stayed beside Pavel while Dome, Ben and Earth went out already.

The song was so beautiful that, that very moment of friends and family members marching to the red carpet was quiet emotional.

Because witnessing every people who were part of the couple's journey is like seeing every chapter of their lives. Seeing the meds and engineers marching together feels somewhat special because the two group hated each other before but now an Engineer will get married to a Med, a doctor to be exact.

The groom's heart started to beat fast, he did not even know what is it. Was it the nervousness he's been dealing since he woke up which he managed to conceal? or was it the excitement that finally he's marrying his very special someone?

When the person he's been waiting for appeared the groom's heart felt its going to explode.

Nine together with his mom and Chen's mom are now marching at the aisle.

Nine is wearing white tux with black trouser. He is also wearing his usual long earring at his right ear. Which matches Chen's black tux and white trouser and at his left ear is the pair of Nine's earring.

Nine smiled dearly. Chen felt his eyes burning as the small drop of tears started to flow down his eyes.

He remembered everything vividly those happy, sad memories and hardship they went through but above all is the memory when he almost lost the chance to actually make this big wedding to happen. 7 years ago, at the same date right now, he almost lost his P'Nine.

He called him many times, broke the door just to get to him. He begged and begged to him to comeback and when it was time to record is time of death. Nine breathe back to life.

Chen snapped back when his mom greeted him.

"Congrats my son, may you have a healthy and full of love marriage life." She said as she held Chen's hand.

"I want you my sons to live a happy life. Grow old together na kha? Congrats to the both of you. I love you both." Nine's mom said while trying to hold her tears.

Nine started to tear up too. He never expected that he will be given a second chance to live. He was right to hold unto his love for this guy in front of him. He had no regrets until this very day,

Because Chen is his everything.

Mrs. Kornchid gave her son's hand to Chen while Mrs. Aydin put the couple's hand together.

Both kissed their sons to their cheeks before they went in front.

The process of the wedding was both emotional and memorable, they did other ceremonies before it came to the exchanging of I do.

"Do you Joong Archen Aydin, take Nine Kornchid as your soulful wedded husband and to stay with him to sickness and health, for better or worse and richer or poorer, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?

Chen looked at Nine right into his eyes and said the two words lovingly, "I do."

Then he moves his body with an excited yet tensed smile out of nowhere that made the crowd laugh.

"Oiii." Nine whispered whinning to his husband to be.

"Can I kiss him now?" Chen asked. The guy who is in charge of the wedding was completely shock that he couldn't answer.

Chen received a slap from Nine which made the crowd laugh even more.

"I haven't said I do yet!" He scolds.

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