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You sighed, watching the hours tick by.

It was tiring, working a dead end summer job at three in the morning. 

You were leaning on the counter, chin resting in your palm as you scrolled through instagram liking every meme that passed by, trying not to pass out. 

The red bull you cracked out after half an hour did nothing and tasted awful, so you left it sitting there for about two hours so far. You sighed harder.

It wasn't even like anyone ever came in, save for homeless people, night shifts, insomniacs or creepers, and still only like seven people ever came in through your whole entire shift.

 Sometimes you thought the minimum wage wasn't worth it, and thought about qui-


The bell rang.

You jerked up, the bell jerking you out of your thoughts. You slipped your phone under the counter and looked up, waiting for whoever came in to pay.

After three minutes or so, a guy about your age, maybe a year or two older, with bright red hair approached the counter.

You greeted him with a nod. He nodded back. There was an awkward pause.

You looked down at his items.

Two packets of stock cubes, enough spices to fill a moderately sized spice rack and a large assortment of vegetables. 

"So what're you cooking?"

You cursed yourself when he looked up from his wallet and made eye contact.

"Sorry?" He asked, looking a bit caught off guard. You turned red and fumbled with the scanner. "Uh, since you bought all this I thought you were, uh, cooking something."

Suddenly the semi awkward teen before you transformed, his face taking on a smug, but not prideful expression.

"Well I see you have an eye for perfection." He smirked, but continued before you could reply that had nothing to do with what you asked. "I indeed shall be making Tomato and Basil soup for my boys and I later-" Later? It was half three in the morning??? "-and I absolutely need to perfect my seasoning before they arrive."

You noticed he spoke very fondly of his boys and his soup. You wished him the best. While bagging his groceries for him, you wished him the best in his soup making, and handed him his ingredients. 

He smiled and thanked you, assuring you that his soup would be fantastic with his now acquired spices. 

You watched him leave the store with a smile you were unable to get off your face for the next hour or two. 

You hoped he'd come back. 

And he did.


The same time the next night he was back to buy milk, bread and some more spices.

As yesterday, you made an awkward comment, but this time rather than being caught off guard or distracted, he was excitedly talking about his soup while you scanned his stuff. You smiled at him as he talked about how his boys loved his soup.

After that he left like yesterday, but not before smiling over his shoulder, grinning and throwing back a wave.


The same happened the third night, and while he was buying some tomatoes, you talked to each other, chatting while he looked around the shop.

His energy was really amusing, and just being around him was enough to keep you smiling for hours. 

He was just so adorable.

You were leaning over the counter resting you cheek on your palm once more, though this time with a smile on your face, as he came over with his tomatoes to pay. 

You were talking to him when you felt a blush creeping across your face while your mind blanked out.

"-I know right! And anyways he still has the audacity to insult MY soup! I said, excuse you my soup is-" Once again you opened your big mouth.

"From how much you've said about your tomato and basil, I'd really love to try it." You chuckled before realising what you said, and turning completely red you try to fix the situation before it could get any worse. 

You looked up at Giovanni, as you'd come to learn was his name, who looked to be thinking hard. He mumbled something before his head snapped toward back to you, and just gave a generic reply. 

You mentally hit yourself, ready to curl up and die when you two did your becoming ritual of smiling and seeing each other off. 

You didn't have much of a smile when he left though, worrying over if he'd found out your little growing crush on him.

And if he had, if he'd never come back.

But of course he did. 

Back again, acting as normal, but this time he was wearing a backpack over his classic golden hoodie.  

This time he just bought a carton of orange juice and when he came over to pay, he took off the bag and began rooting through it. You noticed a few things in his bag as he did, such as two notebooks, one labelled 'MY DASTARDLY PLANS' and the other simple 'soup', along with a few shiny baseball cards.

A few seconds later and an "AHA!", he presented a waterproof tupperware container filled with a warm reddish liquid. 

He handed it over proudly, and began going on a spiel about how he surprised you with his soup. 

You were smiling, with bright red face, unable to stop. You asked if it was okay, to which he ended up on a spiel of how he was bringing another container to one of his 'boys', affectionately named Car Crash.

You asked how he ended up with a nickname like that, which prompted a rant about how can he crash 5 cars in a month?!

To which you stared blankly, thinking of the money from the job you were working was for a small ford fiesta you had your eye on. 

You ended up remarking that what you'd like to know is where he's even getting that many cars in a month, and how is he still buying tax and insurance, to which Giovanni said he never thought of.

While the two of you talked of 'Car Crash's' mortality rate and the like, you realised it had been over an hour, to which Giovanni apologised for keeping you so late and left to see his boy.

You smiled after he left, stood up and grabbing a cup from the coffee machine, poured some of the soup inside, which after heating up in a microwave stored back, you found tasted delightful, and his rants of people insulting his soup were utterly justified.

'He really does make good soup.' You thought to yourself, smiling and sipping it delicately.

Bit of an authors note here. Sorry.
You can just tell I've no idea what I'm doing-
This is the first fic I've ever posted anywhere and it was done in a matter of hours.
Please tell me what you think. I'm pretty new to writing.

I like Epithet Erased and uh- yeah.

The fic was written pretty aimlessly so it's pretty much just drabbles(?), and I've never written romance or fluff. Might continue this in the future if anyone actually wants that so probably not. i did have a few more ideas.

Umm,, obligitary don't steal, you dickweed.
Though if you we're to steal dunno why it's be this.

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