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I wake up in a big bed with a dog guarding by my side. But it wasn't an ordinary dog it was..smile dog from a book I also read online it was Jeff's dog. I look at him in shock and then stare at his smile. He notices and growls at me which makes me jump back and pull the covers over my head. Once I peak he's gone which makes me kinda at ease but then again think about where he is. I look around the room and there's a little nightstand with a lamp on it. There's a chair in the back of the room and blankets and clothes on it. There's also a little desk with a chair and a big birdie hanging in front of it." I guess I really am staying here for a while"I say to myself disappointed. " no I won't do this I'm not gonna take crap" I say this time more confident. I look at a door that's there and then another one. " so there's two doors.." I decided to go to the left one. I pull the covers off of me and then I stand up. The pain in my back didn't hurt that much anymore. I start to walk over to the door and open it to reveal Toby taking a bubble bath. He seems calm as I look at him in Shock his eyes closed. Almost seems like he's sleeping. I could feel my face going red and not moving as if I'm paralyzed. He opens his eyes to see me staring at him with my face as red as a tomato. At first he looks in shock then smirks." If you wanted to join you could've just asked" he said smirking. And with that I finally found the strength to close the door.(thank god for bubbles,thank god for bubbles thank god for bubbles). I feel my face to feel it as hot as it is when I'm sick. Then I take my hand off my face to reveal blood on it. I run to the desk and look at the mirror. (M-my nose!? Oh god and he saw that too!) I feel my face getting hotter and hotter. I run and jump on the bed Suffocating myself with my pillow. Then all that happened came back to me. I start to swell up with tears knowing the only thing I love is gone. My dad and that wasn't my mom. I know they did something to make her do this. i look up from my pillow to see Toby coming out of the bathroom. I shoot up from the bed immediately and wipe my eyes. But there was no use any way since my eyes were puffy and red. " Now what's wrong" he says looking down on me from his bed. I look at him then look away." Come one just te-"he's interrupted by me screaming at him. " YOUR WHATS WRONG YOU MADE MY MOTHER CRAZY YOU MADE HER KILL MY FATHER JUST FOR ME TO BE YOUR STUPID SERVANT..." I scream at the top of my lungs. He just looks at me surprised." I...I never asked for any of this.. I never wanted this and yet.. it was just ...forced on me...why didn't we believe her.. why didn't I just.. not think she's crazy.."just then I feel a rage of anger go over me. "NOW SHES GONE BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS" I say as I jump on top of him hitting him and attacking him. He just looks at me grabs my arms to stop me from hitting him,then leans in  and kisses my lips. I immediately get off of him and then run out the door. I can hear his distant voice saying " WAIT"I ignore the calls and thenkeep running out of the room. I don't care if I'm risking my life to leave. I don't care if I die. It'll be better then living there. I just need to find my stuff and leave this shithole. I run and finally find the door. I rush out into the forest and keep running until I'm at my limit. I sit down and rest my back against a tree. I shift around then I see something kinda red on my pants. I look and then notice. It's my period.shit.

BLOODY HATCHES (ticci tobi x reader).  ( not continuing, but will be remade)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant