The Beginning

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Skylar was a happy girl always giggling around her friends Vivi and some other girls one day when Vivi and Lewis were being all lovey dovey Sky ran into a pale blonde Arthur "Oh! Sorry sorry!! Heh heh" Skylar giggled then blushed softly as she looks at Arthur she then looked at him better seeing that he wasn't even paying attention to her he was looking at the two love birds... Sky looked away and walked off with her hood up. A couple days later Vivi and Lewis were away for the day and Sky and Arthur were with Mystery Sky was on the couch reading a book when Arthur began to speak 'Sooo Skylar-' "yes Arthur?" 'How are you? Hows your life?' "Its... Its good uhm I have a question" 'about?' "love" Arthur was shocked he looks at her with a confused look 'love...? Uhm I kinda know about it's "what dose love feel like?" 'well... Love is like getting a new puppy' he hears a whine from the Dog that was eating in the kitchen 'Ah! Mystery no no we aren't getting a new pup!' Sky giggled and snorts a bit Arthur blushed softly "a-anyways- uhm" He looks away and then gets up 'wanna go take a walk?' "You sure?" 'yeah we can take mystery!!' Sky nods and gets up she then grabs Mysterys Leash and put it on him they then go outside on a walk .

{Wow my first ever story I hope you guys like it!!}

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