Chapter 1: The Meeting

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As I walked through the gates, I took a sip out of my thermo that held some (fav. Hot drink). I'm (name), 15 years old, and a rising idol-to-be. I'm going to enroll into Saotome Gakuen and right now I'm heading to the testing grounds for the entrance exam.

"Onegai, let me take the test!" A voice broke the quiet atmosphere. I looked over to see a petite girl with peach colored hair and gold irises. The guards seemed a little pissed at her, and after they gave her a response, one of the guards pushed her.

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" I yelled at the guard. I ran over to the girl and helped her up.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked. She nodded, dusting off some of the snow.

"What's going on?" A voice asked. I turned my head and saw a boy, probably around my age, with bright red locks and shining ruby eyes.

"I really wanted to take this test, but I wasn't aware that I had to fill out a form to take the exam," the girl said.

"But you knew when the exam was, so you thought that if you showed up, then there's a possibility that you could take it," I reasoned out. The boy nodded, understand the current situation.

"Even so, she had to arrive two hours earlier if she wanted to take part of the ex-"

"She was helping a little girl," a voice said. All heads turned to the voice to see a young man of the age of 17, strawberry blonde colored hair that reached his shoulder, and a cool shade of light blue. I would be lying if I said he wasn't very attractive.

"She helped the little girl find her mother. I find that should be a reasonable thing to let this young lady take this exam."

'So this guy is helping us too?' I thought. As the rest of us defended the girl, one of the guards got a phone call. After a small chat, the guard got off the phone and told us something we thought they would never say...

"She can take the exam."...


"Really?" the girl and I said in unison.The small "o" that slipped onto my lips formed a smile.

"YATTA! Now you can take the exam," the red-headed boy said. One thing for certain: he's going very good entertainment for the year.

"Arigato minna." The girl bowed in respect. The handsome devil placed his hands on the girl's shoulder and stood her up.

"Make sure you pass the exam alright, Little Lamb?" The girl blushed but nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we should all get going. We don't want to waste this chance." Everyone agreed with me, and we all headed inside the building.

I took the ID that I need to enter the room to take the test from the receptionist and started to walk down the hallway. Halfway through the hall, the girl that was by the gates was just standing. As I neared her, I tapped her on the shoulder. She seemed to flinch before turning around.

"H-Hai?" She seemed nervous for some reason.

"... You wouldn't happen to be lost right now?"

"A-Ano, yeah. Do you know where room 109 is?"

"You're heading to 109 as well? Just stick with me for a while." The girl smiled, and her smile warmed my heart. I couldn't help but smile as well.

"A-Ano, my name is Nanami Haruka. And you are?"

"Call me (name). Anyway, are you become an idol or a composer?"

"A composer. It's my dream to compose a song for HAYATO-sama." Cue the trip and fall. I jumped to my feet and looked at the peached haired girl.

"Y-You're a fan of H-Hayato?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, I am. He saved me."

She must really look up him if she wants to compose songs for him.

"What about you?"

"An idol. I want to make people happy and let them have that feeling stay with them after they hear me." When I looked back at her, she had stars in her eyes.

"Sugoi, that's amazing."

"It's a bit cheesy but it's how I feel. " Before the conversation went any further, we arrived at the testing room.

When we entered the room, there were lots of people talking amongst one another. We went up to the examiner, saying we were in that room. He gave us our seat numbers and told us to wait for other applicants to arrive.

When we got to our seats, two other girls were sitting next to the chairs (since we sat next to the windows). The first girl (sitting next to my seat) had short blonde hair and a visible chain clip earring that dangled a ruby. She wore punk like clothes and didn't seem very friendly. The other girl had long and wavy burgundy hair with a braided lock on the left. She also wore baby pink lipstick. Her clothing attire was more girly and laid back.

"Ano, would you mind if we passed?" I asked. The two girls faced us, and one thing shocked me. Red eyes. The blonde has red eyes.

"Kuro/(name)?" We both said in unison. My lips curled into a smile and my eyes shined with glee.

"Kuro, it's you! I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Do you know her?" Haruka asked.

"Yeah, she's been my best friend since my first year in junior high. Although I moved, we kept in touch."

"Yup, even if we're miles apart, we've never forgotten one another," Kuro said with brimming confidence.

"Ah, so you're childhood friends?" The burgundy haired girl asked?

"Yeah. Oh, I guess introductions are a must. This is Shibuya Tomochika."

"Call me Tomo," the now named-revealed girl said with a charming smile.

"Nice to meet you. This is Nanami Haruka."

"It's nice to meet you both." They let us pass and we all talked for the remainder of the time before the exam.

A/N: I'm well aware that Kuro is a character that is implied as 96neko. That's because she is. She owns herself, but this character is mine. (Full name: Kuroko Nekozawa)

Also, don't freak out, I'm only going through this story and tweaking things, including the titles of each chapter. Am I back? :3

Also kinda debating whether to completely scrap what's on here and write a completely new story *kira kira*

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