Shakespearean Sonnet: "Savage Melody"

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A ballad; starting soft and alluring

Sharply rising to a feverish pitch

Around your brain silken notes contouring

You sway to and fro in your tiny niche

Hidden from the danger of the music

Not knowing there’s no hiding from their view

Your understanding of the song basic

Your human brain can't take in it's bright hues

Though you aren’t quite sure what is going on

The risk you take to bask in sound is great

The music's relentless; you’re just a pawn

You realise now; don’t know that it’s too late

Forever lost in it’s beautiful haze

Striving for escape from an endless maze

Burning Leaves- A Collection of Poetry for the Atty's.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang