The New Sith Rises In Anakin Skywalker...But His Master Is In Love With Him?

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IT HAD BEEN eight years since Qui-Gon's death at the Battle of Naboo, and Obi-Wan had kept to his promise to train young Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Sith. He had trained Anakin the way Qui-Gon had trained him -- by starting with the Jedi stuff, and then, when Anakin was ready, revealing his true nature.

Like him, Anakin had been willing, if not eager, to become a Sith.

That had been when he was twelve years old.

He was eighteen now, and a promising young Sith. Obi-Wan had shown him how to create the color-change lightsaber so they could work with red (which Obi-Wan was far more comfortable with now than blue) in their Sith training sessions and blue whenever else. Obi-Wan had kept up Qui-Gon's job as the spy, and had been in contact with Darth Sidious in secret on more than one occasion to report. 

It was one of their Sith training sessions that changed everything. Obi-Wan had arrived at their spot away from the prying eyes of the Jedi a half hour early to change from his Jedi tunic into his Sith one. He had something planned for them tonight that would require the uniform of a Sith. For Anakin, of course, that wouldn't be a problem -- Anakin had preferred to wear a black tunic since he was thirteen. The Jedi had reluctantly allowed it.

Now he was ready and waiting when Anakin slipped into the area, blending well with the shadows. Obi-Wan smiled. Anakin had learned a lot.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said from right behind him, making his apprentice jump.

"Gods, Obi-Wan! Don't do that!" Anakin protested. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm a Sith, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "That's what we do. Speaking of, come with me. We're going offworld for our exercise tonight."

Anakin followed Obi-Wan as he set off towards the shipyards. Obi-Wan could sense his curiosity, but another part of being a Sith was discipline. Anakin knew when to hold his tongue.

"I hope you brought your cloak," Obi-Wan said over his shoulder. "We can't let anyone see our faces. Remember, they think we're Jedi. Everyone thinks we're Jedi. Including Dooku, at least in your case. He knows about me."

"Doesn't Dooku have his own apprentice now?" Anakin asked.

"Yes. Asajj Ventress, another Dark Jedi, if you will."

"You know her?"

"We've met," Obi-Wan said shortly. Anakin took it as a sign to stop asking questions. Obi-Wan knew that Anakin knew how he could get when he was angry. It had happened more than once in their training sessions.

Obi-Wan found his ship, the one he kept hidden from the Jedi. He had his own starfighter -- all the Jedi did -- but this was Obi-Wan's other ship, the one he preferred by far.

"Cool ship," Anakin complimented as it came into view.

"Thank you," Obi-Wan said. "Courtesy of my master."

"Darth Sidious?" Anakin asked.


They got in, Obi-Wan heading stright for the cockpit, pulling his hood up as he went. The cowl of his hood cast his face in shadow so that only his eyes were visible. Something he'd quickly found out about the yellow-orange color of the Sith eyes was that they seemed to glow in the darkness, possibly so that it would be the last thing any enemy ever saw.

"Master? Would you mind if I asked where we're going?" Anakin asked tentatively, dropping into the copilot's seat.

"You just did, didn't you?" Obi-Wan countered. Anakin blushed. Obi-Wan was glad his cowl hid his face, and his own blush, from Anakin's sight. Lately, Obi-Wan had been finding that even in their vigilant training sessions, he was more relaxed around Anakin. He'd wondered what it was for a while before realizing that he'd fallen in love, despite being a whole fifteen years older than Anakin.

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