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TW: Abuse in first three paragraphs. Skip if you need to!!!

It was a normal day and Harry was getting beaten by his uncle. He had put dinner out 2 minutes late. This time Harry was getting an unusual one today.

"I have had enough of you burning my food you pathetic little freak and it was late!!"  he then whipped Harry with the metal part of his belt. Harry but bit back his screams knowing it would only increase his punishment.

After an hour of whipping Vernon pulled down Harry's pants and his own. And had his way with him.

😭Time skip😂

It was 11:58 Vernon had raped him 3 hours ago. It was the evening before Harry's birthday, not that anyone celebrated it. 11:59 in one minute Harry would be 17 meaning he could leave under legal rights. There was a contract Harry signed at Hogwarts saying that after he defeated Voldemort he could leave the Dursley's and be an adult even if he wasn't of legal age. This would only happen the birthday after he defeated the dark lord though. Meaning this birthday.

Voldemort has been dead two months now.

Harry was so exited to leave. 10 seconds to go...
1... A searing pain ripped through Harry's body making him bite his pillow in an attempt not to scream out in agony. It felt as if someone was pouring hot lava on him whilst splitting his head and tail bone open.

After a while he blacked out from the pain.

🙀 Time Skip🙀

When Harry awoke he saw an owl tapping on his window. It was 4 in the morning. He dragged his aching body out of bed and over to the bird and grabbed the letter out of its beak...

Dear Mr. Potter,

We at gringotts bank are pleased to inform you that you have come into your creature inheritance. Please come here ASAP so we can file you as your creature. Also to find out who your mate is as you having yours will make your mate come into theirs.

Many thanks,

Grendel - Manager of creature inheritance.

P.S. this letter is a port key just say 'Mate' and you will be brought straight here. Also ask for me when you get to the desk.

After Harry had read this he said "mate" and was teleported straight to gringotts front desk. He showed the goblin the letter and was taken to a room in the back to wait for Grendel.

Grendel entered the room and asked Harry to drop 3 bits of blood onto a piece of parchment. He was then handed said piece of parchment and a dagger. He sliced his palm and did as said. Writing began to appear...

Name: Harrison James Potter
Parents: Lily Potter nee Evans (dead)
James Potter (dead)
Godfather: Sirius Black (dead)
Godmother: unknown
Creature: Neko
Dom/sub: Submissive
Mates creature: Veela
Mate - Dom/sub: Dominant
Mates name: Draco Lucius Malfoy

Harry felt his inner Neko becoming timid and he tried not to be shy as it was coming out. He read over the paper again. DRACO WAS HIS MATE. Harry shifted in his seat uncomfortably, maybe he wouldn't have to see him?

"I have contacted Mr. Malfoy (jr) he shall be here any minute" Grendel said as there was a crash through the door. Harry shifted into his cat form and hid in a dark corner where no one could see him.

"Why was I called at this ungodly hour I have to fing my mate they are in trouble that's why I have an early inheritance I have to protect them" Draco yelled making Harry Wimper except no one heard it.

Draco was instructed to do the same as Harry was making his papers appear.

Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy
Parents: Narcissia Malfoy nee Black (alive)
Lucius Malfoy (alive)
Godfather: Severus Snape (dead)
Godmother: Bellatrix Lestrange
Creature: Veela
Dom/ sub: Dominant
Mates creature: Neko
Mate Dom/Sub: Submissive
Mates name: Harrison James Potter

Draco freaked his mate was Potter. The guy he had been crushing on.

"Mr. Malfoy" Grendel began.
"Your mate is here"
"In the corner" Grendel whispered he then stood up and left the room.

Draco looked towards the corner of the room to see a black kitten with bright green eyes and white paws. He looked so scared as if he was about to be attacked. Draco knew this was his mate. Harry James Potter. He had to protect him...

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