Chapter 1

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WARNING- In this entire book, there are sexual scenes, inappropriate language for the younger readers, proceed with caution.
The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Saturday, 1st August, 1998

Harry smiled at the crowd. "After the Sorting feast, I followed Professor McGonagall up the stairs to the Headmaster's office, where Professors Snape and Dumbledore were waiting. I saw Fawkes, and a wave of memory overcame me."

Flashback: Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Saturday, 1st September, 1991 – 21:58

As Harry entered the room, he looked around shyly, noting the shelf full of silver instruments, spinning and puffing smoke. All around the walls, a series of paintings hung, the people inside watching him as he looked around.

"Ah, Harry. It's good to see you." Dumbledore said, smiling happily at Harry. "I'm glad that you decided to attend Hogwarts, my boy. Truly glad."

"Thank you, sir." Harry replied softly. "I'm glad to be here."

"Good, good." Dumbledore held out his bowl of lemon drops. "Would you care for a lemon drop? I know we've just finished dinner, but one sweet can't hurt." He popped one into his own mouth.

Harry took a lemon drop, pushing it into his cheek, so he could carry on speaking, while Dumbledore offered the lemon drops to McGonagall and Snape. "You asked to see me, sir?"

"Yes, I did. I'd like your permission to perform a spell on you to restore a memory, Harry." Dumbledore intertwined his fingers on his desk. "Six years ago, we made an appearance at Privet Drive, after an incident with your cousin, and we suppressed your memory, with your permission."

"Suppressed memory, sir?" Harry asked. His gaze was drawn as a soothing trill of song filled his ears. As he looked to his right, he saw a perch, a beautiful red bird staring at him. "You... I've dreamed about you..." He stood up, ignoring the adults for a moment, as he walked tentatively to the firebird. "I... I've seen you before, haven't I?"

Fawkes trilled softly, leaning forward so Harry could start to scratch his head. He trilled in pleasure as Harry tickled under his chin. "I didn't think you were real..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat, looking thoroughly amused at the situation. Harry blushed as he turned back. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Quite all right, Harry. Quite all right indeed. Fawkes is a compelling sight to anyone. Now, may I restore your memory?" At Harry's nod, Dumbledore raised his wand, a small flash of white light erupting from the end, impacting Harry squarely on the forehead.

Harry blinked as a short memory, from just after his fifth birthday, reappeared in his mind. It only took a moment for total recall. "Oh, I remember. I wondered how my wrist healed." He looked up at Snape. "Thank you again, sir, for healing my wrist."

"You're more than welcome, Harry." Snape said, smiling warmly at the boy. "Have you had any other such injuries since?"

Harry shook his head. "No... every time it seemed Dudley was about to hit me, he'd... get bored, and go and do something else. I always wondered why."

"That was us." McGonagall said. "We put a set of wards, a form of protection, over the house, so they couldn't hurt you."

Nodding slightly, Harry began to blush again. He looked at Dumbledore. "Did I really call you 'Grandpappy Firebird', sir?"

Dumbledore sent a mock-glare at McGonagall when she started sniggering, while Snape hid a small smile. "Yes, Harry. I should thank you, really. It kept Minerva amused for months afterwards."

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