011: Bloodlines

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Blake woke up to Stefan freaking out. Elena is gone but she hasn't a feeling Elena's just fine. Plus, she will be going out of town with William. He is taking Blake to Richmond, to the mall so that she can shop. He is going with her.

William's wearing some good fitting jeans, a black tank top, a leather jacket, and some converse high tops. He just runs his fingers through his long, brown hair, leaving it down. Blake's wearing some red skinny jeans, a jet black long sleeve shirt with a V neckline, a leather jacket, and some biker boots. Her light brown hair is up in a messy bun, but William still thinks she is beyond gorgeous.

"Elena's your niece," Stefan says as Blake goes downstairs. "Aren't you worried? She's with Aiden."

"Good, you heard from one of them!" Blake says sarcastically. "Elena is fine with Aiden; he won't let anything happen to her."

"But he killed you," Stefan concludes as William comes down.

"And I've yet to forgive him for that," Blake says. "But it's Elena you're talking about. Aiden won't harm a hair on her pretty head."

Stefan groans, knowing this argument isn't going anywhere, and he goes to find Bonnie - a witch. William and Blake share an amused look before heading out to William's him we; his long legs actually fit in here without restricting his movement. Blake uses the hand rail and the step to climb inside, and struggle. William watches in amusement until he strides around the hummer and he helps Blake rhe rest of the way. She scowls before fastening her seatbelt, and Will closes the door.

William pulls up tot he shopping center in Richmond. It isn't really a mall, parse, but a good sized center with a few different shopping stores. William came here a lot before moving back to Mystic Falls with the last name Maxwell.

"I used to always love this shopping center before I moved back to Mystic Falls,"  William confesses as he turns his head to look at Blake. "Where did you shop in New York?"

"In the mall in Manhattan," Blake replies as she looks out he windshield. "Let's go shop."

"Just a pre warning," William says in a teasing tone, "they don't have a Victoria's Secret."

Blake rolls her eyes but she doesn't fail to smile. "We don't need lingerie, do we?"

William smirks as they open their doors. "No, no we don't."

"Didn't think so."

Blake hops down out of the hummer and she closes the door.  She joins William's side and the hold hands, interlocking their fingers as they walk into the shopping center in Richmond. Both wearing smiles on their attractive faces.

After a few stores and William paying for everything - even though Blake protested and said she'd pay - the two have stopped by the small subway they have in the center. They both get a sub while William gets a sprite to drink and Blake gets a cherry coke. Once they leave the mall, they're going to find some humans to drain, both in a strange killing mood.

They take off into the woods of Richmond after leaving the shopping center. Blake is the first to smell fresh blood and she speeds away. William groans at her impatience and he speeds after her and he stops when he finds her. There are two bodies. She bite one and is feeding in the other. William sighs, relieved she saved one for him.

William feeds sloppily on the man, the same way Blake is feeding on her woman. Since William's hair was down, he has blood in the tips so he goes to find a river. He has to clean the blood from his facial hair and the tips of his actual hair. Blake follows to clean the blood from her face. They were sloppy, but not enough to get blood on their clothing.

"That was fun," William comes before splashing his face, he just finished washing the blood from his hair.

"Indeed," Blake replies and she cleans her face. "More fun, or home?"

"Let's just run for a while," William offers. "I compelled the shopping center owner to let me park the hummer there until we return."

"Sounds fun," Blake reploes amd they amp speed off.

Blake grabs her phone when her and William sits in a park in Jamestown, Virginia. They ran all the way her. She goes to aidens contact, she hesitates but presses call.

"Blake!" Aiden boasts into the phone. "Are you looking for your niece, too?"

"I knew she was with you," Blake replies. "Where are you guys? You're out of Virginia, aren't you?"

"Atlanta, Georgia," Aiden replies

"You brought me to a bar?" Elena asks scoldingly. "Aiden, I'm not old enough. They're not going to let me in."

"Sure they will," Aiden replies to her. "Well, Blake, as happy as I am that you actually called me, I have to go."

"Take care of my niece, Aiden Salvatore," Blake demands.

"Your wish is my command, gorgeous," Aiden replies and hangs up.

"They're in Georgia," Blake tells William.

"What the hell is Aiden doing in framing Georgia?" William mutters. "Eh, there's no telling."

"Exactly, babe," Blake replies and she leans against William. "I wish I could've had kids."

"We can adopt," William claims.

"Yeah," Blake replies with a warm smile. "Adopting a baby is an option."

William comes out of a handyman shop back in Richmond with a small ladder.

"What's the ladder for?" Blake asks.

"You." William walks over and he opens Blake's door, and leans the top of the ladder against the floorboard. "So you don't struggle so much climbing in."

Blake gasps, and then she starts laughing.  William smiles as Blake calms down, and she climbs the ladder. William puts the ladder in the back and he strides around the hummer, and he gets in behind the wheel.

William and Blake are back at the Harvey family crypt. He has found a book in side that holds his family history. He sealed the door right back and hands the book to Blake.

"This is about my family, the Harvey's," William informs her. "I thought you'd like that."

Blake smiles. "Can we read it now? I think you should keep it. It's your family history, after all."

"Wait here," William says and he vamp speeds away and he returns with a flash light. "I'll hold the light while you read."

Blake smiles and she lets her hair down to warm the back of her neck where the leather jacket isn't covering, and she opens the old book to the first page. The words are all jammed together and it's hard to read but William helps Blake through each word and each page of the book.

At the end of the amazing day spent together, Blake and William go home. No one is there but none are in a sex kind of mood. So, William starts a fire in the fireplace and the couple cuddle on the loveseat because Blake's insomnia is acting up and she can't sleep once again.

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