"Ellis was your brother, right?" she asks while freeing her wrist from his grasp and wrapping them around his neck. 

Bennett was quiet for a minute. The only clue that he is still paying attention is his arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her forward until there is no distance between their bodies. 

"Yeah, older by eighteen months," She could see his eyes unfocus and knew hat his mind was dancing in the past. 

She wanted to know more about them, his father and brother, just as she wanted him to know about her parents. They may be gone but they are still a part of who they are. 

A thought struck Elara then, and she could kick herself for not thinking of it sooner. 

"Where's your mother?" 

"Funny you should mention her," Bennett says, kissing her forehead before stepping out of her arms. His fingers laced through her own as he lead them back towards Elara's house.  

"I was actually going to talk to you about it today. I want to bring her here. I'd feel better having her close to me and obviously I want her to meet her future daughter in law," at his words, a blush spread across her cheeks and her heart did a weird little flip in her chest. 

He dropped the term 'Daughter in law' so easily despite only being together a few days. But that's not uncommon. Wolves don't necessarily need marriage - as the bond and mark are more sacred anyway. 

By accepting his mark, she accepted him and his family as her own. 

It's still just weird to think that she has a mother in law now. 

"Do you think she'll like me?" she hated to sound so insecure but she's never had to impress a boy's mother before and Bennett isn't just any boy. He's her mate and that makes this all the more important. 

Bennett stopped short, nearly causing Elara to trip. He turned and look at her so intensely that she almost laughed when his features morphed into something confused as if she had grown another head. 

"I've heard stories of women being worried their mothers-in-law wouldn't like them, but I always assumed it was just a scare tactic of sorts," His hand reaches toward her, his thumb tracing her cheek gently as he moves some hair behind her ear, "but Starshine, if it will ease your mind any, my mom is going to love you. She's always wanted a daughter."

Elara could feel her heartbeat increase as looked at the handsome face of her mate and replied his words over in her head. Her eyes following each dip and curve of his lips, eyes, and nose. For the millionth time, she questioned how she could have been so lucky as to get Bennett as her mate. 

But it soon turned to sadness and Elara's vision began to blur around the edges as tears filled her eyes. 

"Don't cry," Bennett cupped her face between his hands, his thumbs wiping away each tear as it fell.

"It's just -" she took a deep breath to steady her voice, before looking directly into Bennett's eyes," I want you to know, my parents would have loved you too."

Elara couldn't be sure who closed the distance or if they both met in the middle, but it didn't matter. All that mattered right now was that Bennett was in her arms and she was in his. 

They broke away too soon for either of their tastes, but it would be improper to continue, especially outside. Bennett rested his forehead against hers both with their eyes closed, just savoring the moment. 

"I have to go to our Alpha's," Bennett said quietly, "I need to get permission to bring my mother here." He straightened up after pressing a kiss to Elara's forehead. 

"Might need a shirt first," Elara giggled, her eyes shamelessly moving over the chest before looking back at his smug face. 

"Why would I wear a shirt when my mate obviously enjoys the view?" he chuckled, kissing her knuckles before pulling away towards the packhouse. 

Elara watched him go with a small smile on her lips. She stood there even as her mate became hard to recognize in the distance, but she couldn't make herself move. It was if it were the last time she would see him and she wanted to savor it until the last second. 

<3 <3 <3 <3 


So very sorry for the delay in this update! With the Holidays here in the USA, I got a bit distracted. That being said, I hope everyone had a great Holiday! Can you believe it's almost 2020?! Unreal!

I couldn't have asked for better readers! Y'all are so supportive and sweet! I really count myself as blessed to have you all with me. Thank you.  

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