Do I Know You? Part 2

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Sorry, I haven't updated for a while and I hope you have a wonderful New Year. Enjoy!

"What?!" Derrick exclaimed surprised.

"Yes, because of you, I became a mother at 18 years old."

"When did this happen?"

"6 years ago. I'm 24 now."

After telling Derrick all the details of that night, he appeared like he would break down in shame.

"I feel you should know this about me when this happened. I was on drugs and drinking. I'm pretty sure I had just gotten drug money that night and put it to use."

"Why does any of that matter now? It's all over and done with. I'm happy with my daughter, even though it's not always easy being a single mother, I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world."

"From what I can tell you're a great mom.  You know, the drugs do matter because I'm clean of drugs and alcohol for 4 years now." He explained.

I had to think for a minute. After hearing his side of the story, I could choose to forgive him and maybe get to know him better. On the other hand, I could shut him out and never see him again nor give Reese a father. I think the choice was quite clear.

"I'll tell you what: why don't we get lunch later this week and we can talk more about this then?" I offered.

"Of course. I'll do anything to make up for my mistakes. Maybe if you wouldn't mind, I could meet your daughter?" He said timidly.

"She's your daughter too, Derrick. Just because of a mistake, doesn't mean she's no less your daughter than mine."

"I appreciate that, Ashla."

"I have to go pick up Reese from school but if I get your number we can schedule that lunch get-together."

Derrick gave me his number and I watched him walk down the street. I went back inside and closed the door, sliding down to the floor. I feel like I'm back in high school and got the popular guy's number. I can't believe I'm gonna go out with the guy who got me pregnant 6 years ago.

Later that night

At dinner, I couldn't help but think over the day's events.

"Mama, are you ok?" Reese asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Mh? Oh yes, Sweetie. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"What is it?" She asked worriedly.

I thought about that. Do I tell her I've met her father again, or do I tell her it's nothing to worry about? I hate lying to her when it involves her directly.

"Well, baby girl. You know how it's just you and me living together and no boys?" I asked cautiously how I should go about telling her.


"Well today, while you were at school, a man showed up to return something. I recognized who he was, but he didn't realize who I was. Baby, that man was your Daddy." I explained.

"But you told me I didn't have a Daddy." She protested.

"I know because I didn't know where he was or wanted anything to do with him. Now that he's here, I wanted to give him another chance and be in our lives."

"Do you think he'll be a good Daddy for me?"

"I think so, baby. Are you willing to give him a chance?"

She thought about it for a minute before smiling and nodding.

"That's my Pretty Girl. You'll get to meet him later this week. Now, it's time for bed." I said hugging her.

I'm glad Reese gave Derrick a chance. When she met him, she loved him almost immediately. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I sorta have developed feelings for him. He's good-looking and is a great influence on Reese. I hope we can start seeing each other as boyfriend and girlfriend soon.

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