Year 5 - My Dark Mark

Start from the beginning


"I don't think the Dark Lord will like it when he hears you refused to help me," I give her an innocent smile.

"Fine, just this one time," she gives in grumpy.

"Not so grumpy, Bella. He will propose one day. I hope,"

"Just get this over with,"


We are all at the dining table when Bellatrix keeps going on about how important it is to have pure-blood.

"So how do you know it? I mean, that you really are a pure-blood? Have tasted it?" I ask her. I can see Draco and Mrs Malfoy trying not to laugh? Mr Malfoy has a shocked expression and Bellatrix looks furious, again. Mission accomplished.


"Hey, Bella, can I poke your face? I'm bored," I ask cheerful.

"Why does the Dark Lord wants her again?" she mumbles to herself adn then turns to face me, "How many times do I have to tell you: NO! Didn't you heared me the hounderd other times?"

"I heared you, I just wasn't listening," I respond grinning.

"Somebody please curse me," she sighs.

"I would love to but you see, I still need to wait a few months untill I'm seventeen before I can use my wand out of school so I can't, sorry,"

"Stop fighting you two," Mrs Malfoy, or as she wants me to call her, Narcissa rebukes on the moment an owl flies in, "Ow, look your O.W.L. results are here."

"Now it's my turn to laugh," Bellatrix says pleased. She takes the letter and her face is hilarious, "What? All Outstandings?!" Bellatrix says breathless, "That is impossible!"

"Not impossible, Bellatrix. I also had only Outstandings even though I would never take Muggle Studies," Voldemort comments.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, Sun Tzu. And beisdes you can always learn something new," I respond while taking the letter.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass Grades:

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)
Fail Grades:

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Darcy Lily Potter has achieved:

Arithmancy O

Astronomy O

Care of Magical Creatures O

Charms O

Defense Against the Dark Arts O

Divination O

Herbology O

History of Magic O

Muggle Studies O

Potions O

Study of Ancient Runes O

Transfiguration O

"Now I can take Alchemy too," I say excited.

"Ravenclaw nerd," I hear Bellatrix mumble.


The meeting was almost about to start when Severus walks in.

"Ah, Severus. So good of you to join us," Voldemort says while Severus takes place right infrond of me, at the left side of Voldemort, "What is the news you bring?"

"It will happen next Saterday, at nightfall."

"I've heard differently, my Lord," someone interrupts, "I've heard that it would happen the night before his birthday."

"That is a false trail. I've heard that one too," Severus continues, That Auror is no longer part of the boy's protection. They believe we've infiltrated the Minestry."

"So the do also have real fact," Voldemort smiles at a man at the table, I have no idea who that is. Some start laughing but because Voldemort isn't laughing it stops pronto.

"Where will they take the boy?" Voldemort asks Severus.

"To a safe house. From the moment he's there we can't get to him anymore so it has to happen when the transport him. Probably through the air." A womans cry fills the room.

"Wormtail, haven't I told you to keep our guest quiet?"

"Yes, my Lord. Sorry, my Lord," Wormtail begs.

"I need a new wand. May wand and Potter's share the same core. They are twins. Each others equal. Are there any volunteers? Lucius perhaps?"

"My Lord? Of course, my Lord." Lucius give his wand to Voldemort with shaking hands.

"Elm, and the core?"

"Dragon heartstring, my Lord," I think I hear his voice break. Not smart to show weakness to the Dark Lord. Voldemort waves the wand and Mrs Burbage comes hovers closer.

"To those of you who don't know, we are joined tonight by Miss Charty Burbage who, until recently, tought at Hogwarts. Her specialty was Muggle Studies. She believes that Muggles are not so different from us. She even encourages others mate with them. Avada Kadavra!" And Like that I see her soul floating away.

"Nagina, it's time for dinner," his snake glides to the body of Mrs Burbage and starts biting it. I can't look at it so I look at Voldemort again who is looking at me, "Now something different, how far are you with discovering your gifts?" Voldemort asks.

"Well, I can controle the five elements, I know how to controle my visions, I know how to penetrate someones mind once I touched them, so I can controle them and see trough their eyes, and I'm an Animagus but I want te be able to change into what ever animal I want, not only one. That's it for now."

"That is allready impressive, but continue experimenting," I nod as answer, "Good, the next school year is comming up and I want you both, Draco and Darcy, to return to Hogwarts. Severus will be the new headmaster so the school can finally get the leadership that it deserves. Your school supplies are ready and packed. I should hurry if I was you the train leaves in an hour."

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