010:The Turning Point

Start from the beginning

When Blake snuggles up to William, Damon walks sheriff Forbes to the door. He thanks her for stopping by and says he and Blake will let her know what they come up with. When Damon closes the door, Stefan vamp speeds over and slams Damon against a wall. Blake quickly grabs Aiden's arm to stop him from attacking Stefan.

'What's wrong with you!?" Stefan roars. "You killed somebody?"

"Get off of me," Damon demands and he pushes Stefan off. "A... don't touch me. B... if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it." He walks past Stefan and stops, then turns around. "C... There's another vampire in town."

"That's impossible," Stefan replies; they all know William and Blake didn't do it, they were... busy last night when the female was killed.

"Obviously not," Damon says and he walks into the parlor, he sits beside Blake and William on the sofa.

"Then, who could it be?" Stefan questions.

"Ah, What do we care?" Aiden muses from his dear. "We're leaving anyway, right?"

"No, I can't leave now and you know that," Stefan says as he approaches Damon, Aiden, William, and Blake. "How are we supposed to find this person?"

"We the adults handle this, Stefan," Damon muses.

Stefan looks at him weirdly, conflicted before he walks away. Damon and William begin talking about old times while Aiden looks longingly at Blake. He understands why she hates him, he did turn her into the one thing she didn't want to me. She told him that. But he did it anyway.

"Blake Gilbert," mayor Lockwood muses as he approaches her and William at the high school for the career fair - she's here for Elena and Jeremy. "William Maxwell."

"I'll see you guys soon," Blake says and she walks over to sheriff Forbes. "Hi, Liz."

"Hey, Blake," Liz greets, she's tired and in uniform.

"So," Richard Lockwood, the mayor, says as he walks up, "What do we know?"

"Nothing new to report yet," Liz replies and Richard groans. "My highly reliable deputies are all on alert, but if you feel the need to be more proactive, by all means, grab a stake and have at it."

Richard grabs a cup of coffee, staying with Liz and Blake. "What extra precautions can we take?"

In a distance, William is listening to every word.

"For right nick there is nowhere safer than a crowded public plaice and for one, mayor, we actually know where our kids are," Liz says. "And our siblings kids."

Blake smiles and she watches Jeremy approaches the artist booth where Tyler is. Blake stays where she is, with Liz Forbes and Richard Lockwood, two of the founding family members and council members.

Stefan walks away from and he spots Logan Fell talking to a distraught Blake. Elena follows stfan quickly and she asks what's going on. Logan says goodbye to Blake and he walks over to where Stefan, Jenna, and Elena are. William makes his way through the crowd to get to his girlfriend, he knows that Damon supposedly killed Logan.

"What did he want?" William asks Blake.

"He... he wanted to let me know he wasn't dead anymore," Blake replies. "He's a..." she looks around amd sees Liz within earshot. She whispers, "a vampire."

William pulls her into a tight hug. "Call Damon."

Blake pulls her phone out of her back pocket and she walks outside the school. She glances up at the full moon and she sighs before she goes to Damon's contact.

"Logan Fell is a vampire," Damon says instantly into the phone when he picks up, "and when I find him, I'm gonna destroy him limb by limb."

"What happened, Damon?" Blake asks, she knows his agitated voice when she hears it. "Are you ok?"

"No, I'm not ok," Damon replies as Elena and Stefan aporoach Blake. "I was ambushed. I was shot. Now, I'm vengeful. Just got to find him."

"Well, no need to worry," Blake states as Stefan watches her carefully. "He's at the high school."

"You're kidding me," Damon mutters. "Why thd hell is he there?"

"He's working the crowd," Blake says and Stefan mouths for her to add the part about her. "And he wanted me to know he's alive and knows about me."

"He talked to you? Threatened you?" Damon asks, he's looking at himself in the mirror.

"Yes," Blake replies.

Damon growls. "Well, Blake, I'll be right there."

Blake hangs up and Elena crosses her arms.

"So," Elena says to her boyfriend and aunt. "Anything either of you would like to share?"

Blake and Stefan share a look as William comes out.

Blake and Stefan enter the school again, they just saved Caroline from Logan Fell, he was going to make Care his NXT victim. Elena quickly walks over her aunt and boyfriend.

"Caroline?" Elena asks, Hope I'm her void.

"She's ok," Stefan assures her.

"We took her home," Blake adds. "She was shaken up. But all she knows is Logan attacked her. Nothing else... and let's start, Caroline better not hate me anymore. I can't name how many times I've helped save her."

Elena smiles at her aunt but then her smile falls. "Where's Logan?"

"Damon, William, amd Aiden are dealing with him," Stefan replies.

"As in...?" Elena doesn't have to finish her question.

Stefan nods. "You saw what happened tonight, right?"

"And that's my cue," Blake mumbles and she walks away; she stops by an army booth.

If Blake had never been turned onto a vampire or moved back to Mystic Falls, she was going to join the Air Force. She used to fly planes a lot in New York. Well, when she wasn't bartending. Being a bartender was only an job to pay for flying lessons. Amd that was always Blake's favorite place to be... in the sky.

William and Blake lay side by side after some more heated sex, both actually panting, even as vampires. Blake smiles before she curls up to William, and allows her eyes to close.

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