chapter two

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The next week ,I had to transfer to my aunty to stay with them.I had the best moment with them,they loved me so much as if i were there own kid.

I start school again, I went to the same school with Rabi the same level but not the same classroom. Each and everyday after school ,we were been picked up by the driver to go back home.

Not longer that is after our first semester
we lost uncle max.This is where I was blamed for his death. Even the people i thought loved me that is the kids but they rather blamed me and lied on me.

I loved my uncle so much that i could not be as wicked as I was been described in the mist of everybody. Although i had had a sad moment this day was another sad one for.

So the next week i was suppose to go to school alone so when I got there the principal told me to go back home cause I was unwilling to pay the school fees. When I got home nobody was home so i was alone for awhile.

Later in the late night,they were all home .Then i decided to inform my aunt about the principals information.During the process I did not know my auntt was angry at me so the news made her more angry.

She told me to pack my things and leave the house since i had no where to go i begged her enough for her to forgive me but she refuses.

So i steped out and packed and left the house without even informing her about my where about. I was just going and going cause i had no idea where i was going.

Soon it was night time i just layed on the floor near the street and found some sleep.“ Wake up”said a strang voice.I quickly woke up and saw a girl let say  five years older than me and i am twelve.

She introduced herself to be Cellina and I also introduced myself as Molly. We suddenly became closefriends and did something in common that was beg during the day and sleep.on the street at night.

It was already night time when we both tried to sleep and two men efforced themselves into us.We tried to ran but our effort was useless.So the big men made their way through to rape us.

Soon Cellina noticed we were pregnant and that was.the exact reason we lost all our friends. After all we never knew,I cried lime a baby everyday cause the was a misfortune from my haters since i was a good christian i always prayed.

So one day a lady met us and wanted to send us to her home and take care of us and all of a sudden during the conversation there was total silence. To break the silence i thought of something as quick as possible.“If you can please give us atleast a day to think about it,it will be great so please you can cime for us tomorrow,” sadly the woman walked back to the vehicle she came along with.

That night I could barely sleep cause of what happen the previous night.When ever I think of it tears just roll down my face like a running tap. Celline tried to cool me but i think I was too hot. If could get those me in prison it would be a great joy.

But it all my aunts fault to let a twelve years old girl out here all on her own thats fair at all.

The next morning as  early as 6:00am the woman was here to pick us up.Cellina and I packed as quick as possible cause there is no way we could say no to such offers.

Touch of HeavenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang