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Next Day

All were having breakfast at the same time Arjun came inside. Swara saw him. She was alright now than yesterday.

"Bhai, come and have breakfast" Swara called him.

"No Swara, I already had in home" Arjun said while sitting on sofa and waiting for Sanskar.

Swara brought a coffee for him.
"Ok, just have this" Swara said while giving coffee.
Arjun smiled and took coffee from her hand.

"How are you feeling now?X Arjun asked her with concern.

"I am fine Bhai" Swara replied with smile. Arjun nodded his head with light smile in return.

After finishing breakfast all trio came out of the house and Sanskar's security were also present there.

"Arjun I am going alone. I know they are spying on me for every move, Alex has informed me everything about them. My watch has GPS. Lucky you do what I told" Sanskar asked him.

"Yes Bhai" Laksha said while nodding his head.

"Arjun, you remembered right?" Sanskar asked him who nodded his head that all is set to execute the plan.

"Sanskar be careful" Arjun said with bit worried tone.

Sanskar was going to office, suddenly his car stopped. He came out to check but someone hit his head from backside then he fell on the floor with unconscious. When he opened his eyes, he found himself tied to chair. Suddenly room door opened and it was looking old building. Kavita entered inside with Sahil. Sanskar looked at her and got angry by seeing her.

"Chu chu. It wouldn't have happened like this but what to do. I have to do this with no option"Kavita said while laughing at him.

"You bitch! how dare you to come near my wife" Sanskar roared in anger. Kavita flinched in her place by listening his voice with scare then she composed.

"Wife?" She started to laugh. Sahil was standing while laughing with her.

"After finishing your work next is your wife only" Kavita said while coming near his face with smirk.

"Don't you dare to do anything to her. I will burn you both alive here only" Sanskar said in dangerous tone while gritting his teeth.

"Ohh! so much love on your wife but I won't do anything, don't worry. Just will enjoy her" Sahil said shamelessly. Sanskar's blood started to boil by listening I'll about Swara. But he couldn't do anything in his anger it will spoil his plan.

"If you want your wife alive then sign on these papers" Kavita said while keeping papers infront of him.

Sanskar looked at paper confusingly then at Kavita.

"Property papers" Kavita said by reading his confusion.

"What?" Sanskar exclaimed in shock.

"Write your whole property on my name otherwise your wife will die because my men already going to kill your wife." Kavita demanded him

"No I won't" Sanskar refused to do it.

"Or ready to die for 3 rd time. First time I only failed you car break. 2 nd time me and your father in law I mean Mr. Sharma tried to kill you in car accident but you got saved. Now no one can save you from us" Sahil said shamelessly by confessing his crime.

Sanskar started to laugh loudly by making Sahil and Kavita look confuse

" Why are you laughing? Are you become mad?" Kavita asked him with irritation by seeing him laughing.

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