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Christian: oh nvm it's fine 

{ After that conversation I went in the house got in the shower and started to write some music for my album that's coming out in a few months} 

{ the Next day}

{ I was up all night writing music and thinking about my Aunt Vick and what she had for me, When I woke up  it was like 4 In the evening Christian walks in my room}

Christian: hey sleepy head why you waking up so late 

Me: I was up all night writing music and thinking about something my aunt had told me when I first got here

Christian: oh I was wondering if you wanted to go to  a party with me later on?

Me: I look a mess my hair isn't done, my nails, lashes , and I don't have a outfit 

Christian: we can go shopping or I can send my assistant to go shop for you while the eyelash lady comes to you and the nail lady and the makeup artist and then lady that's going to do your hair. 

me: you would do that for me

Christian: you already know that

{ Christian texts his assiatant about everything and she said to get out of my pajamas cause they should be on there way and she is already out by the mall so she would pick up a cute outfit for me}
Christian: let me get out so you can get ready but we going to that party plus I have a surprise for you there 

Me: okkkkk!!!!!!!

{ in my head I was thinking surprise but it just didn't click to me I got up brushed my teeth, did my hair and put on a little outfit on and called it a day} 


{ 4 hours later} 

{ everything was done hair, makeup,nails, eyelashes I even had my outfit on} 


Me: thank you bestie 

Christian: you welcome, you ready to go it's about to be time to be on our way 

Me: yeah let's go 

Christian: it's going to take a hour for us to get there

Me; first let's take some pictures for the gram 

{ we took pictures and then left} 


{ about 2 hours later} 

{ we been at the party for a while now I had a couple of drinks and I got a little wild ok let's just say I didn't have a couple drinks I had one to many but Christian came and found me so that we could go up stairs}

Christian: come with me 

me: why I'm having fun let me get one more drink 

Christian: you had to many { giggles} come on everybody is about to go up stairs

{ I feel like he only said that to get me up stairs so we went up there and I just see a room with the door closed and a blue LED light I started to get nervous it felt like my body was giving out but I pushed through. he opened the door and there was everybody sitting on these pillows with a shot glasses on a board} 

Me: what we about to play 


{ everybody started laughing cause I was like}

ME; I'm already drunk so le- { hic-up] do this 

{ we go in a circle and it gets to me a girl that has blue hair and dark brown eyes ask me] 

Girl with blue hair: Never have you ever thought about sucking your bestfriends dick

{ everybody around the circle knew that Christian was my bestfriend so they all started to say ouuuuuuu and lord knows I'm to drunk so I tell the truth} 

Me: hell ye- {hic-up} 

everybody in the room: ouuuuuuuu 

{ random girl in the back says yes girl you betta suck that dick} 

{Christian just looks surprised} 

Me: what Christian it's o- { hic-up } 

{ a few rounds later it comes back to me and somebody asked '' Never Have you Ever had sexual intercourse with somebody In your dream} 


Everybody in the room: WHO? 

{ a girl with blonde hair says if you don't want to say it take a shot and do a dare} 

ME; let me take a shot and do a dare 

{ I take a shot and the boom it hit me in the head that I should of just said who then somebody said I dare you to give Christian a lap dance} 

{ I turn around because I know the voice its my bestfriend} 

Christian: do you know who that is? { he said that he has a surprise for me}  


Bff; yes christaian flew me out from alanta to come be with you 

{ I was about to give her a hug but she said naw go do that dare} 



me: you ready 

Christian: yeah 

{ I start to give him a lap dance all of a sudden I feel something poke my ass, somebody started recording. I kept going and then Christian did what everybody expected him to do yep he smacked my ass a couple of times and everybody got hype.}

Me: I'm done { start to giggle}

Christian: { starts to laugh}

bff: Period Bitch 


{ all of a sudden I ended up  back at Christian house  with my bestfriend holding my hair back as I'm throwing up in the toilet}

NEVER HAVE I EVER|| King CombsWhere stories live. Discover now