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We finally got to the studio I hear beats being made and people laughing I start to get nervous cause I didn't know what to expect.

Christian: start writing  your part of the song so we can be  ready to hop in the booth and just start flowing. 

{ I look over at him with a weird facial expression} 

Christian: what's wrong Destiny 

Me: nothing it just feels weird to be back home I haven't been here in forever not since we moved to Atlanta when my mom got that job. 

Christian: I know I'm so happy to see you, I haven't seen you in forever plus you made my day it's my first time smiling in almost weeks. You know ever since my mom died. 

{ we are about to walk inside the door of the studio until I grab his arm and pull him closer to me and kiss him} 

Christian: Wow

Me: What I'm sorry 

Christian: no it's fine 

Me: come on let's go 

{ we walk inside the studio as I look back he starts to smile and wipe his lip and bite it} 


{ it's been about a hour since the kiss, I recorded my part of the song I was just waiting on Christian to record his, The smell of weed was lingering in the air. A man tried to pass me a blunt But I told him no} 

Random man: You don't want to smoke lil mama 

Me: I don't smoke it messes with my voice and I don't need that to happen it's my money maker

christain: you ok destiny? 

Me: I look and him and start to smile, I'm pretty sure he know what that means. 

random man: you want a drink 

Me: no thank you 

producer: Destiny can you get back in the booth and sing your part one more time 

Me: yeah why not 

{ I get up go inside the booth and put the headphones on, I love the beat it seems that music Is peace to me it's basically what makes me happy.} 

Me: { singing} you see all this ice this how we rocking,  bust down in the Lv's bitch that's how I'm walking, every Nigga on my line bitch we clocking.

Producer:  that's all I needed you good 

Me: ok does it sounds good 

everybody in the studio: HELL YEAH!!!

 Me : { laughs} 


{ It's been almost 2 hours since we left the studio, we at his house now getting ready for bed. I put on my red underwear with a red braw to match and a silky red robe, I hear a knock on the door I close up my robe and go to the door, I open it and it's Christian} 

Christian: you ok? do  you need anything 

Me: no I'm fine 

christaian: you where silent the whole car ride back you sure

Me; yeah I'm fine 

Christian: I like your robe 

Me: thanks 

Christian: well can I come inside 

Me: ohhh umm yeah sorry 

Christian: { laughs} naw you good  

{ my red silky robe comes a loose when I turned around} 

Christian: woah 

Me: oh my fucking gosh I am so sorry 

Christian: you are ok stop saying sorry 

Me: I am so sor-

{ Christian grabs me and pulls me closer to him} 

Christian: stop saying sorry 

ME: { I start to get chills on my neck and all over my body} 

Christian: Am I making you uncomfortable or something 

Me: NO I'm fine 

Christian: are you sure 

Me: ye-


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