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fiddling with the last losey , the thoughts or reveries of the last bench trial came flooding back to his mind. (You may think we are talking about our protagonist right?, well our story neither has a protagonist(the one having a shady past,fighting all odds,keeping two and two together) nor a being with a villainous pursue.) The thought comprising of citations of various legislative verses and statutes came daunting his mind. He was not a rookie in his field, rather a wiz who knew exactly what it takes to raise the stakes in this bellicostic world. The rings of smoke ascended from his cigarette to the ceiling as if every ring carried a thought that has been pricking his mind like hell. He never in his life pondered over a subtle case with such an audacity of skipping his daily dig at Casper( an indispensable aspect of his office space, or we should metaphorically call him his favourite jig as calling him his stooge would be a bit harsh on him) "sir, you in there?" ,the question rightly framed as ever,just after the two knocks. Mr.Waithe thought that Ela did a third knocking too but ,he was so absorbed in his musings that he thought the third knock must have been muffled by the mahogany door."yes" replied Mr. Waithe." i thought you must be off to that coffee place you were about to go?" asked Ela slyly while entering. " Ela how many times have i told you ab.." he paused ,his face twitched and resumed,"no scratch that ."Ela saw a strange glint in his eyes that reminded her of the famous Mad hatter and she thought "We're all quite mad here. You'll fit right in." her thought was interrupted as he spoke,"..you know that ,About 3,000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30. " his face hinted of a smirk but his expressionless decoy was on gaurd, and trying very hard to gave away what's been gushing inside or out of his mind. "Huh.. I don't think that it is merely a Coincidence that you were born i Luxor ,still 27 years old,like to poke her generic nose into everbody else' and offcourse we can not be oblivious of the fact that my family worships Anubis,you must be aware of this deity right?" said Mr. Waithe in a single breath. Ela smirked she knew that Mr.Waithe was the most rational, sporadically normal functioning and brilliant mind in her field . Interns like her worshiped him like anything. she sighed and said," well .. Mr.Waithe i would like to acknowledge you with a trivial fact that.. In around 16th and 17th century in the country of Turkey , anyone caught drinking coffee was put to death or i would rather say it was the time of the "great depresso" this is just a fact though, no strings attached! ", Mr.Waithe snapped at this and said " well..Ela i think we need a fresh supply of ball pens for our associates ,including you" Ela knew that while working with Mr.waithe, she is pushing herself towards insanity but ,after all he is the most respectable figure in the legislative arena. She sometimes thought of quitting but the exposure she was getting while working here (and offcourse the decent salary )held her like sweet ambrosiac wines. And again the thought "We're all quite mad here. You'll fit right in." reverberated in the chasms of her mind. " Just remind me about those e-mails in the morning," Mr. Waithe bid farewell to her in his accustomed way.Suddenly her eyes grazed on the stale copy of today's newspaper, the headline of the article (printed in bold ,franklin gothic) read "An average of 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.". Ela rolled her eyes,"Mad as a hatter and twice as twisted." she muttered under her breath.

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