New Home

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Laura POV

Well new home and new neighbor everything was beautiful I was going for a walk on my god I live three houses from Michael home this is a dream come true looks like he's doing a interview that's when he waved at me oh god he noticed me

Michael POV

I was a interview tonight and I saw someone she was beautiful she must be new around but I waved at her and she waved at back have to visit

Laura was walking around her new neighbor and people greeted her the environment was OK and seemed like a nice neighborhood

She then saw Starbucks she has been unpacking all day so she got her coffee and went back home

Michael loved meeting people so he was going to visit and say hello of course

He brought flowers to welcome her to her new home and neighborhood

An hour later

Knock on door

Laura POV

I opened the door to see oh my god Michael Jackson literally standing in front of my doorstep

Michael POV

I knocked on the door and waited she opened the door she's more beautiful up close

Michael: Hi welcome to the neighborhood

Laura: Thank You

She welcomed him inside and gave her flowers they were really beautiful...they had a good Chat and was so lost in it that Michael had to go and wished her a goodnight

She locked her door she couldn't believe Michael was in her home and welvomed her to encino

Michael made it Back home and went upstairs to get ready for dinner and bed as well he met their new neighbor who's just three blocks down from their home she was very sweet

Next Morning

Laura POV

Just finished my morning run and now I'm drinking my water it actually feels good today

She made it back home to see Michael outside her door

Laura: Ahh thank you these are beautiful

Michael: your welcome

He kissed her hand and said goodbye he was truly a gentleman

Two months later

Laura POV

Me and Michael have became good friends he's so sweet and gentleman but I think he likes me you can tell when they like you ...causs it shows in your eyes like that spark

Michael POV

Me and Laura have became really good friends over the past two months but my feelings for you have grown she's really a sweet and loving person just like me which I adore the most about her and i think she notice that I like her I don't try to show it but I can't help it

Laura and Michael were on the phone having a good conversation with each other making each other laugh she loved the sound of his voice

Michael: well goodnight see you tomorrow

Laura: Goodnight

They ended the call and Michael had the biggest smile on his face after that he took a shower and went to bed he already ate earlier

Laura just finished her shower and in her thoughts thinking about the conversation her and michael had over the phone his voice was stuck in her head

After she finished taking her shower And brushed her teeth she got in bed turned the light off and went to sleep

A week later

Laura POV

I have been in and out the house lately but that's OK though...Michael has feelings for me I know he do he just to shy to tell me but it's ok it's actually really cute

Michael was coming up with a way to tell her his feelings towards her he wanted everything to be perfect but he got nothing then he started to think deeper he got some paper and wrote down on what to say to her and then he began to practice over and over until he gets it right

Once he got it right he was so happy and now he had to come up when he was going to tell her so he grabbed the calendar and looked at the weeks of the calendar he found the perfect date and everything was complete

Laura was doing the same thing but didn't have to do what Michael did though he likes everything to be perfect of course ....She can't believe she caught feelings for him but that's ok she liked the way it felt

Everyone went to bed early cause it was a long day Michael was happy his feelings for Laura were strong and he couldn't help it that he caught feelings for her but that's ok though he like it a lot and didn't want that feeling to go away ever

Next Morning

Laura POV

I was out shopping and brought something for Michael I felt like something good was going to happen soon and I was prepared for it

She walked around the store some more and then brought her some new clothes to wear she loves fashion and putting things together

Then she went to the check out line and it came out to 170.65 she didn't mind though she loves fashion anyway so she never complained about it ...Once she paid for it she walked out the store and put everything in the car heading home

Michael was messing around with his siblings and enjoying family time ...That's when he seen Laura car pass by and headed her way

Michael: need some help

Laura: sure

He helped her with her things and brought into the house

Michael: that's all of it

Laura: ok thanks for the help

Michael: your welcome

It was silent for a minute until Michael said goodbye and was out the door

Laura locked the door she knew Michael wanted to say something but couldn't say it he was to shy

He wanted to ask her out on a date but he was to shy ...So he came home and cried that he couldn't tell her

Janet came in and asked if he was ok and gave him some advice on how to ask a girl out it helped a lot

After a long day he took a shower and went to bed with Laura on his mind

Next chapter is coming

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