Be my Girlfriend

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Laura POV

Michael just came out and ask me to be his girlfriend and I said yes he was so happy now he doesn't have to have all that pressure on him

Michael POV

I was so happy when she said yes now I don't feel pressure on me ahh she's so cute my heart was exploding right now

Laura: i brought you something

Michael: you did

Laura: yes here you go

He opened the box to see a nice jacket she knew his favorite color was red he loved it

Michael: it's beautiful thank you

Laura: your welcome ...go try it on

He went to go try it on and came back out

Laura: you look handsome

Michael: think you it feels comfortable

Laura: I know

Michael: uh can I ask you something

Laura: yes

Michael: well the award show is tonight and I was wondering if you ....Can be my date tonight

Laura: sure I would love to

Michael: ok

Laura: what time

Michael: I'll come get you at 7

Laura: ok see you tonight

She gave him a hug and was out the door they had to pick out what they were going to wear tonight


Laura POV

We made it to the the award show and the cameras were flashing we walked inside and went to our sits ahhh it feels so good in here and Michael was excited about me being his date even though we just got together today

Michael POV

We are here and walked inside it's about to start soon I was excited about Laura being my date she looked absolutely beautiful tonight

The best artist was about to announce and Michael won an award everyone cheered and were so happy that he won ...Nobody could take his spot Laura was in the audience clapping for him

After it was over they got back in the Uber and went home

Laura POV

I was so happy for Michael he won an award ahhh I'm already a supportive girlfriend haven't had that in awhile but it feels amazing well time for a shower

Michael POV

Laura was so supportive tonight it feels amazing to have that feeling but I came home and got in the shower I was tired

Once he took his shower he called Laura and they had a good five minute conversation with each other and said goodnight

Next Morning

Laura POV

Michael is over and he wanted to give me something I wonder what it is

Michael: this is for you

She opened the box and it was beautiful it was a necklace that he brought her

Laura: it's beautiful

Michael: I know

He put it on her for her and it was beautiful she loved the necklace

Laura: I love it thank you

Michael: your welcome

Laura: you must have saved this for someone

Michael: yes

Laura: Who

Michael.....Diana Ross

Laura: oh sorry about that ....She's married now

Michael: yes she's is

Laura: Sorry about that

Michael: it's ok I have to move on

Laura: you have me now

Michael: I know

It was awkward silence then her telephone ringed

Laura: ok thank you mom love you too bye

Michael: that's your mom

Laura: yes

Michael: Ahh when can I meet her

Laura: actually that's why she called ....When do you want to meet her I have time

Michael: we can go meet her tomorrow

Laura: ok well that's fine

Michael wanted to spend the night with her so he went to go get some clothes and came back to spend the night

She got dinner started it was 5:30pm in the afternoon growing up that's what time her mother makes dinner

Michael was in the bathroom showering and singing at the same time working on his vocals

Dinner was ready and Michael came out just in time

Laura: perfect timing

Michael: thanks

They sat down at the dinner table the food was really good Michael went for seconds

After Laura finished she went upstairs to take her shower the hot water felt Good on her body

Michael knocked on the door and she told him to come in ...He opened the drawer to see she had extra toothbrushes and she did so she brushed his teeth and rinse his mouth out he needed another toothbrush anyway and threw the old one in the trash

Laura finished her shower and did her night time routine as well

Her mother was so happy to see Michael tomorrow she hears good things about him and knows that the relationship is going to be worth it she believes in this relationship a lot her daughter takes that seriously when it comes to dating

Michael was sitting in bed reading a book before he goes to sleep which is all the time

Laura walked out the bathroom and saw Michael reading a book ...they had a good conversation until she fell asleep

Michael grabbed the telephone and called his mother to wish her a goodnight before going to bed of course

Laura loves a man who stays in touch with family and checks on them all the time

Michael closed his book and went back in the bathroom to wash his face since he didn't do it when he got out the shower...Then he turned the bathroom light off and got back in bed

He stared at Laura she sleeps so beautifully and he adored that about her ....She felt him staring at her but was to tired to even wake up

Michael began going dee into his thoughts before heading to sleep he thought about the future etc everything was running through his mind as he was thinking heavy and into deep in his thoughts ...He wonder will he have children or become a father one day

Laura was still asleep and wonder if Michael was asleep yet but he wasn't

After a good hour Michael laid down turned the light and went to sleep cuddling next to Laura who was soft and smelt really good

Next chapter is coming

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