Chapter 17

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I hope you are having or had a wonderful Christmas, Hanauk, Kwanzaa or any other holiday I don't know about! Now let's get to the story!

No pov
" WHAT THE HELL!" A loud scream was coming from the science section of camp making everyone jump. Kids started to crowd up the science camp as Neil looked like he was looking for something.  A loud groan was heard and then was followed by a voice, " I'm trying to get some sleep because people need that so can you fucking idiots keep it do-" Max was cutted off by his nerdy friend. " Someone took my automatic potion! It's like the truth potion I made that Cambell drunk but this makes you say your thoughts out loud!" The kid started freaking out desperately looking everywhere. " Maybe it vanished!" Harrison said making a apple dissapear. " It did not vanish I'm certain someone took it!" Neil said taking a pause. " But who?" Preaston said trying to add to the scene. A mint green headed girl skipped by with a big smile on her face. " Well it's very obvious that it's Nikki." Neil answered

Nikki's pov
I was sitting down on the ground trying to find a bug to eat when Gwen walked up to me. " Nikki I left news papers on the floor of the mess hall and someone chewed it all up. I was wondering if you did it?" Gwen looked at me tapping her foot. " I did but I don't want to tell her the truth so I'll say the platypus did it." It was quiet until I realized I said that out loud. " Really Nikki? I can't believe you did that, well I can but still it's paper." Gwen said shaking her head. " But you did tell the truth in an odd way so I'm just gonna let you off the hook." Gwen yawned and walked away. " Nikki! Did you or did you not drink one of my potions!" Neil stormed up to me with a tired looking Max behind him. " I should say no because than he is gonna give me one of his stupid lectures about eating his science projects." I covered my mouth. " Ah Ha! So you did drink it!" Neil yelled pointing a finger at me. " Yea but why do I keep saying my thoughts out loud?" I tilted my head. " That's what the potion is supposed to do! It's okay though because the potion weres off in 8 hours! It's 9:00 so counting right now the potion should were off by 4:00!" Neil said smiling. " Cool! But I don't want people to hear what I'm thinking! I only like it when I can hear what their thinking!" I complained. " It's not that lo-..... wait what did you mean you only like it when you can hear what their thinking?" Neil gave me a confused look. " Nothing." He gave me a suspicious look than shrugged it off. " Anyway I have to go help Preston with the play for tonight so Max watch Nikki, and I can't believe I'm going to say this but Nikki try not to think that much." I agreed as Neil walked away.

" Soooooo what are we gonna do?" I asked Max who was laying on his cot. " I don't know I'm just trying to sleep okay!?" He said in an annoyed tone." Do you think If people tried they could lay eggs?" I said laying on the ground. " What the hell type of question is that Nikki, everyone knows humans can't lay eggs even if they tried." Max said turning over to face the other direction. " Did you know step on no pets spelled backwards is still step on no pets." I sat up. " ..... oh I guess it is that's weird." " I'm pretty sure Neil and Preston like each other but are to deep in the closet to tell each other." I covered my mouth so fast it sounded like a balloon popped. Max sat up and started to laugh. " Yea Neil sure is hanging out with Preston lately because of the plays he is quote on quote forced to be in." I laughed a long with Max. Gwen walked into a tent with a worried face. " What's wrong Gwen you look like you saw a zombie or maybe a group of zombies!" I jumped up with excitement. " No,No,No their is no zombies, I saw Neil and you guys weren't with him so I thought you were trying to do something bad like blow up the camp, find something to blackmail me and David with, or bringing a wolf back to camp." Gwen said calming down. " Ooh I should totally do that now! I'll ask Neil and Max if they wanna come." I slapped myself. " What did you say Nikki?" Gwen asked trying around. Max jumped off his bed covering my mouth. " She said thank you for worrying about us but we are fine!" Max said looking at Gwen nervously. Gwen looked at us for 3 minutes then walked away. " Jesus Christ! I should tape your mouth shut." Max said standing up. " Okay but I could just take it off because you wouldn't tap my hands, and even if you did it would be easy to get out of tape." I said also getting up. Max gave me a look then dragged me to the councilors office. When we got in he grabbed a rope that he found in Gwen's drawer and used it to tie my hands. " Why would Gwen have a rope in their drawer for no reason!?" I asked loudly. " So she can use it when she really need it, but since I'm never gonna give it back to her she won't be able to use it when she really needs it." Max answered while grabbing duck tape. He taped it onto my mouth so no one could hear anything I say. " Okay nice now let's go. As we walked out of the councilors office we saw Neil walking into are tent. We started to follow him but David stopped us. He grabbed max by his hoodie and placed him on the ground when he got his attention. " Why does Nikki have duck tape on her mouth and hair hands tied behind her back?" David asked gesturing to me. Max looked at me with a face that read, " Shit." I mumbled but only Max understood what I had said.

Max's pov
" Listen I did that to keep Nikki from talking, it might sound bad put she drunk something that makes her say her thoughts and I don't want her to end up saying something that could get us in trouble." Max said crossing his arms. " Well if that is the true reason than I agree that I would not her to end up saying something bad to hurt someone's feelings but, I'm not gonna let you keep her hands tied with duck tape on her mouth." David said walking over to Nikki untying her hands that taking the duck tape off. " Their that's better! Have a great day Max and Nikki!" He walked away with a big smile. He always gets on my nerves. I should he use to it by now because I have been going to this camp since I was 6. Nikki grabbed my arm really hard and I whispered ow. " Why do you always make that face when I touch your arm?" Nikki let go and looked at me. " Um because you always grab it so hard and it hurts when you grab it that hard!" I said looking down. " I dont know if I  should believe you but I'm going to anyway because your my friend!" Nikki said smiling. I sighed.

Preston's play had finsish so everyone had to head back to their tents to sleep. " Wow that sucked, I can't believe Preston chose you to be Jesus." I said looking at Neil as Nikki and I laugh. " Hey! Jesus was Jewish so I am the only one this hole camp who would be able to play him even if someone else hosted it!" Neil said defending himself. Neil's potion had worn off so we didn't hear Nikki's thoughts no more. " I liked the part where Harrison had released doves because you were born and they started packing you then ate all the props!" Nikki said eating  piece of popcorn. " It sill hurts luckily David came in time so he could get them off me with a broom." Neil said touching a bandage on his forehead. We entered the tent me and Neil got in are cots and Nikki slept on the floor, she just like sleeping on the ground for some reason. " Good night Max and Nikki." Neil yawned. " Good night guys!" Nikki smiled. " Night." I said turning over to sleep.

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