"Me? Leave you? No, never! You are my best friend after all! And I would miss you!" 

I smiled as he soon patted my head in a kind, sweet manner. I soon went to fetch my eggnog as he looked over.

"Are you ready for Christmas?" 

"Yes! Very! I plan to stay up and wait for Santa."


     I have a hard stare at him. Who has heard of Christmas but not Santa Clause? That is like someone saying 'I know what a tv is but I never heard of channels.' It just doesn't make sense! Was he even human?

"Wait, you don't know?" He shook his head left and right in a confused manner. "How do you know about Christmas but not Santa?!" I cried out, someone get me a medic because I am dyin' here. 

"Is it some sort of family member?" He asked in a questioning manner. 

"No! He is Santa! Up in the north pole? Big guy, jolly, wears red?" Penny once again shook his head. He looked more confused than before now. My lord, how did this happen? This doesn't just happen. Does it? 

    I decided to chug the eggnog before slamming the (luckily plastic) cup down upon the table. I dashed from the kitchen to my room, trying to be as swift as I could be. I began to dig through the few books I had before my eyes gazed upon a old Christmas book. I heard the bells of his shoes wander closer to my room as I snatched the book and flipped through it. The sound of bells came to a halt, his presence was now felt inside my room as my eyes soon looked to the side. I turned my head to soon look at him and held the book close. I soon walked past him, grabbing his hand gently and guiding him to the couch were I would sit to teach him more about Christmas. 

Pennywise's P.O.V

     I watched as y/n took the drink down like it was her last. I gave a small laugh as she ran past me. I was now rather curious of what she was up to, I couldn't help but began to follow as the bells on my shoes jingled and jangled while I walked. My lips couldn't help but form a smile upon my face. I took in the scent of the pine from the living room, before entering her room. She was looking through a small pile of books before she looked at me and walked past her. Her hand gently grabbed my own as she began to pull me to the couch. She sat down with the Christmas book in her lap. A book that had some Jolly big guy on the front with a big white beard. Now granted, I have seen this figure but never realized he was a symbol of sort for this holiday. Funny right? A eater of worlds, who has been on this earth for thousands of years, has never actually found this guy to be a symbol for anything. 

     I was snapped out of thought as she began to open the book was a enthusiastic look on her face. I have never seen a kid excited like this in a long while. I began to laugh lightly before she could speak, then I went quiet as she looked at me with a smile. 

"Okay, first off, I am not gonna read this to you because I am mainly just going to teach you about Santa!" Her voice shrilled in a cheerful manner. I soon nodded and got ready to listen, something I always will do for her at the least. 

"First thing you have to know Penny, he knows everything! He knows if you have been mean, kind, good, everything! This is what creates a list!"

"A list--" 

"A list! He makes a list to remember who is good or bad! That is how he declares who gets presents or not! Oh! Yes! He makes presents! Well his elves! And reindeer! His main one is Rudolph!"

What did this have to do with Santa? Though soon she began to speak after she took a deep inhale. I leaned back in some interest. 

"So, anyways! He takes the toys the elves give him and he puts them into a huuuuge red sack!" She exclaimed as she spread her hands wide in the air for a moment. "Once that is done, he gets into his sleigh afterwards and he is off! His reindeer are what carries him in the air! Oh! They are magical if you are wondering! Like real magic! Almost like you! Anyways Santa will come down through the chimney and give you presents you open in the morning! But if you are bad you will get coal, so far I haven't been bad! So I don't get coal! Which reminds me! I still have to decorate the rest of the tree and make cookies! He loves cookies! It is his favorite snack! " She squealed as she got up. She spun around as she went to go grab something. 

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