Chapter 31

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I walked in the house and my mom and not gonna bother to call him my dad or step dad bc I hate him sm so my mom and this stranger 🙄 already started  screaming at me
Alejandro/wow u guys don't need to scream at her
??/bc she didn't tell us were she was going
You/I never got ur name bc I'm not gonna bother to call u dad
Joesph/it's David
You/ok thanks
You/babe let's go
Mom/babe ?
Joesph/mom u knew they were dating u just wanna start something
You/oh hey Mateo
Mom/omg Mateo mijo I miss u so much and J
You/how tf did she know J and I didn't
You/u guys wanna go with joe or me to my room
You/go then
Alejandro/imma go with joe
Mateo/I'll go with y/n I haven't seen her in forever
You/k let's go
Mateo/holy shit ur room got big
You/really big
Mateo/what's wrong with that fucking man downstairs
You/oh that's some stranger I don't know him
Mateo/u need to get use to him
You/yea no
Mateo/I'm not gonna force u my parents got divorced
You/oh yea
You/right as I walked in she starts screaming at me
Mateo/stupid mother fucker
You/can I help you
Mom/I'm here to say hi to Mateo
You/well say hi then leave
Mom/how was ur mom Mateo
Mateo/she's good
Mom/that's good how is that guy she's with
Mateo/they got married
Mom/oh really
Mom/ok well imma leave bc some brat doesn't seem to be happy
You/well ya bc ur here when u leave imma be happy
Mom/ok bye then
You/get out
You/see she hates me bc of that stupid piece of shit
Mateo/she doesn't hate u it's just that guy he's changed her a lot I miss ur old mom the funny nice lit mom
You/ya u think I don't, now she just screams at me
Mateo/why don't u talk to her
You/fuck no
You/no Mateo I'm not
Mateo/ask joe to talk to her for u
*btw ur mom was hearing everything you guys said*
You/I'm not talking to her it's fine my mom is gone
Mateo/well then who's gonna change her bc I hate ur mom like this it's so fucking stupid just  for some piece of shit man she's gonna be like this if u don't talk to her, y/n  that stranger he give Alex attitude ur talking or Joesph is talking to ur mom
You/I wish max was here
Mateo/I forgot about Maximo
Then someone barges in the room
Mateo/woah Charli d'amelio
You/max come here
Maximo/omg Mateo u changed so much
You/like how
Maximo/like I don't know I haven't seen u in forever
Mateo/😂ok now listen ur mom is changing
Maximo/ don't talk about my mom like that
You/😂oh he's right I went to go visit Roshaun and them bc they moved and we come back btw mom got a new husband and he's a bitch so yea he started getting mad at Alex and giving him attitude, just go ask joe she's being such I bitch I fucking hate it al bc of some stupid fucking guy 🙄
Maximo/woah it's ok I'll talk to her for u
You/thank u

Authors note:MERR CHRISTMAS 🎄

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