chapter 2

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alejandro/ its bc i like u

you/ mhm just watch tommorow ur gonna beat my ass again

you/ i have a boyfriend ale

alejandro/ so

you/i care

u then get a call from josh


josh/ hey baby

you/hey cutie

josh/ im leaving new jersey again

you/ josh really

josh/i need to i have a meet and greet and then imma stay with my friends for a bit

you/ k fine

you hung up

you/ i cant take this anymore

alejandro/take what

you/ take fucking josh hes always leaving

alejandro/break up with him

you/i am i need to

alejandro/ hold up wait acutally i was just joking 😂

you/well im not ive had enough of him leaving me for 5 months hes not even home anymore its getting so annyoing

alejandro/y/n r u actually


alejandro/chill mamas

you/dont ever fucking call me that

you facetimed josh


you/josh baby

josh/ yea cutie wassup

you/ i need to tell u something

josh/ ofc u can tell me amything

you/ i was thinking

josh/ baby

you/ this is hard

josh/ baby plz dont do this to me

you/ im breaking up with u josh i need to i cant take u leaving all the time i hate being long distence its so fucking annoying i had to tell u bc i couldnt take it anymore

joash/baby plz

you/ no josh im sorry but im done with shit

josh/ y/n please ju-

you/ no josh im done okay mo more

josh/ okay but i want to let u know i love u no matter what u mean the world to me

you/ i love u to josh but its the best desicion

josh/ i get

you/ im sorry

josh/HOLD UP


josh/thats not ur room so I see  why u wanna leave me to be with alejandro

you/ noooooo hell no josh i just cant take long distence im sorry

josh/ whatevery

you/ im so-

he hung up in your face

you/i hate my life

alejandro/ i wanna kiss u so bad

you/ kiss me then

alejandro/ur gonna allow me

you/ yea

alejandro/ really


*oop that was cute*

after u guys kissing for 12 minutes 😂

alejandro/ wait u actually like

you/ yea but u always hurt me ale i cant take it anymore

alejandro/im sorry ill stop

You/ u better stop

Authors note:hey hoes how's the story going to so far

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