Marble tiles

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"Dear Diary, The boys next door have done it again. They teased my little brother. They saw him eating a sweet bun and wanted it. When they demanded that he hand it over he refused. So they knocked it out his hand and kicked dirt over it. I'm going to make them wish they hadn't. One day. But for now I must take care of him.


Once I finished writing in my journal I hid it under my mattress. All my personal secrets are in the pages of that book. And I can't let anyone read them. Surely I would be judged.

Footsteps trudged toward my room. I panicked hoping that whoever it was wouldn't find out where I had hid my diary.

The door creaked open and I turned around fast. "Rose?" It was my big sister, Freya. "What are you still up here for? It's time for breakfast."

"Sorry I was just-"

"No apologies, Rose. Just get downstairs before mum has a fit."

I gently tapped my feet on the stairs to hold my balance while I 'glided with purity.' Well, that's what grandma would say when we went to her house for holidays.

"Rose!" It was my brother, Charlie. "You're late! Go wash up!"

"Charlie! Did you even wash your hands!"
He's holder than me by one year. But I swear he does nothing but laze around staring at the clouds. How could he tell me to wash my hands if he hasn't even showered today?

"Wha-I have!" His face was so red. That was how I knew he was lying.

"Let's wash together, Charlie."

We ran to the nearest bathroom and shoved ourselves through the door at the same time. Giggling, we pushed each other around and fought over who got to wash their hands first.

Charlie obviously won. He is much taller then me and eats a lot of food. He isn't a large boy but he is a bit thicker then most.

I flicked water on him and he returned the favor. "Rose! Charlie! Stop making a mess!what are you doing in here?" My mother, Amelia Grantz, is the first woman to work in a high position for the king. She is one of the most trusted along his side. "It is very unladylike to act like a boy. Charlie, you are too old to behave like a child." I suppose she's a little strict but she's only caring for us. Today is her only break of the week and she seems very stressed. "Sorry, mother." We both spoke in unison.

"Now, go to your seats." She said with a smile.
I patted my dress to make sure it had no dirt on it and walked to the dining room. If it weren't for my father, James, it would be chaos in here. He's the main chef in the kings kitchen. He makes fine cuisines, tasty turkey and my favorite, Créme Bru Le. He makes tons of other things. I hear him bragging that the king loves his chicken soup and the special Chinese noodles that he learned on his vacation to China.

But before dad was a chef he worked for the king as a soldier. He was a warrior within. He killed many bandits and stopped slavery around the kingdom. He discovered the true identity of a mass murderer who roamed the grounds, plucking any one who won't be missed. He even saved the king from an assassin attack. But he got old. He didn't want to stop working though. So he became a chef. He was already really good at cooking.

I sat in my seat. The wooden chair with a soft pillow tied down to it. Mum said that today was very important. That we all look our very best. But she insisted that it would be a surprise.

We finally sat in our designated spots. Once everyone had settled and had been served there plates, my father strode in and blessed our meal. He sat too. Mum, Freya  and I picked up our forks. Before we could take a bite, Charlie, reached our for a buttered roll. His fingers stretched across the table. Then, smack. The sound of fathers hand hitting Charlie's fingers rang in the air. "Have you forgot your manners, boy?"

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